Nginx gets best performance on Gentoo or Ubuntu does not scale

I came across this post on the net

The author did some benchmarks and concluded that Ubuntu and Debian had
some problems with web scalability while Gentoo got outstanding

Has anyone encountered this problem?



Posted at Nginx Forum:

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 03:24:36AM -0500, pcdinh wrote:

I came across this post on the net

The author did some benchmarks and concluded that Ubuntu and Debian had some problems with web scalability while Gentoo got outstanding performance.

Has anyone encountered this problem?

The author of the benchmarks should look inside the error logs to see
the failure reasons.

Igor S.

Depends on what the person doing the benchmark wanted to archieve as
are quite more system settings (which by default in different
differ) regarding tcp / webserver finetuning rather than a simple ‘open
limits’ (and even there you can see the author having some trouble).

If the topic was to find a distribution which works best without doing
anything then maybe you can go with it…

Other than that its not very related to nginx performance.

p.s. also sometimes its ‘ab’ which fails at making high concurent
count and not the webserver… should use some other tools (like httperf
siege etc)
to verify the “FAIL”


From: “pcdinh” [email protected]
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 10:24 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Nginx gets best performance on Gentoo or Ubuntu does not scale

One thing in certain, when looking at nginx’s results, independently of
the distribution, I could see what many people say about it: it’s
lightening fast!

@Igor S.
I did look, actually. Both webservers started refusing new connections
after a certain amount, as I mentioned there. I didn’t go on further
tweaking because of what Reinis R. said. I changed a couple of
standard (and important) settings in every kernel to be the same, as I
mentioned, and I increased the open file limit in order to be able to
complete the tests. Other than that, I didn’t do much since my purpose
isn’t to squeeze every distribution and see what I get (after all, it
would be pretty similar that way… it’s all Linux). I just wanted to
find a distribution in which I’d go on with my Rails-oriented research.

Posted at Nginx Forum: