Nginx front-end to sharepoint


I am attempting to replace squid 3.0 with nginx as a reverse proxy to a
sharepoint server with SSL and user-authentication. The problem I am
having is nginx does not appear to pass the credentials to the real
server w/o modifying them (after several failed attempts, once simply
gets access denied). I am able to accomplish this in squid with this
option: login=PASS

I’m wondering if anybody has any insight/experience into this issue. I
have included the relevant portions of my nginx.conf and my old
squid.conf. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


http {
server {
listen 443;

     ssl                  on;
     ssl_certificate      /conf/nginx/cert.pem;
     ssl_certificate_key  /conf/nginx/key.pem;

     location / {



https_port 443 cert=/conf/squid/cert.pem key=/conf/squid/key.pem
cafile=/conf/squid/ca.pem vhost
cache_peer parent 443 0 login=PASS no-query ssl proxy-only

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 03:17:07PM -0500, [email protected] wrote:

I am attempting to replace squid 3.0 with nginx as a reverse proxy to a
sharepoint server with SSL and user-authentication. The problem I am
having is nginx does not appear to pass the credentials to the real
server w/o modifying them (after several failed attempts, once simply
gets access denied). I am able to accomplish this in squid with this
option: login=PASS

nginx should pass all headers as is.
Do you use Basic authentication ?

Yes, we are using Basic authentication.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 04:18:16PM -0500, [email protected] wrote:

Yes, we are using Basic authentication.

Have no idea. Could create debug log with dummy username/password ?