Nginx fastcgi_next_upstream off doesn't work

location / {

fastcgi_pass bg;
fastcgi_next_upstream off;


upstream bg {

server unix:/tmp/dsp.1.sock;
server unix:/tmp/dsp.2.sock;
server unix:/tmp/dsp.3.sock;
server unix:/tmp/dsp.4.sock;
server unix:/tmp/dsp.5.sock;
server unix:/tmp/dsp.6.sock;
server unix:/tmp/dsp.7.sock;
server unix:/tmp/dsp.8.sock;
server unix:/tmp/dsp.9.sock;
server unix:/tmp/dsp.10.sock;
server unix:/tmp/dsp.11.sock;
server unix:/tmp/dsp.12.sock;
server unix:/tmp/dsp.13.sock;


log_format combined-r ‘$time_local: upstream $upstream_addr responded
$upstream_status in $upstream_response_time ms, request status $status
in $request_time ms’;

29/Nov/2013:13:57:51 +0400: upstream unix:/tmp/dsp.4.sock :
unix:/tmp/dsp.9.sock responded 504 : 504 in 0.148 : 0.050 ms, request
status 504 is in 0.198 ms

So nginx still pass request to next upstream dsp.4 -> dsp.9

What can be wrong with this config?



On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 03:50:52PM +0400, Oleg V. Khrustov wrote:

server unix:/tmp/dsp.1.sock;
server unix:/tmp/dsp.12.sock;

unix:/tmp/dsp.9.sock responded 504 : 504 in 0.148 : 0.050 ms, request
status 504 is in 0.198 ms

So nginx still pass request to next upstream dsp.4 → dsp.9

What can be wrong with this config?

The “504 : 504” in $upstream_status indicate that there were two
requests to the upstream, with an internal redirect between them
(note “:”). See here for the variable format description:

That is, everything works as expected, you just have an error_page
redirection which does an additional request and confuses you.

Maxim D.

Yes, you are absolutely right. Thanks again!