Hi there,
I am using nginx as a reverse proxy on a Debian Linux.
The nginx is running on server A, and apache is running on server B.
Server A is a pure proxy, server B is the real web server.
In most of time, nginx works well.
But the HTTP port (80) will stop accepting new connection sometimes.
When it happened, I tried to telnet port 80 from the server by “telnet
localhost 80”, the telnet was just keeping trying but cannot make socket
I checked the total HTTP connections by “netstat -an | grep 80 | wc
-l”, the number was always less than 2000.
I am using nginx package from Debian Linux, the package was installed
by apt-get.
I added “ulimit -n 65535” into /etc/init.d/nginx to turned the “open
files” limitation.
On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 03:16:39AM -0400, mrkissinger wrote:
I checked the total HTTP connections by “netstat -an | grep 80 | wc
-l”, the number was always less than 2000.
I am using nginx package from Debian Linux, the package was installed
by apt-get.
I added “ulimit -n 65535” into /etc/init.d/nginx to turned the “open
files” limitation.
The problem is not resolved yet. Can anyone help?
What does “nginx -V” show ?
Are any alerts in error_log ?