Nginx: directive "rewrite" is not terminated by "; " in /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf:67

63 rewrite ^/rss(/(news)+)?(/(digest)+)?(/(short|long)+)?/?$
/gymrss.php?channels&$2&$4&$6 last;
64 rewrite ^/(news|maps)/?(page([0-9]+).html)?$ /map.php?$1&start=$3
66 rewrite
/map.php?$2=$4&$1&start=$6 last;
67 rewrite
/gymrss.php?$9=$8&$2&$4&$6&gzip=$10 last;
68 rewrite
/gymrss.php?$8=$1&$3&$5&$7&gzip=$9 last;
69 rewrite
/gymrss.php?nametoid=$1&$3&$5&$7&modulename=$8&gzip=$9 last;
70 rewrite ^/sitemapindex.xml(.gz)?$ /sitemap.php?gzip=$1 last;
71 rewrite ^/[a-z0-9_-]±([a-z]{1,2})([0-9]+).xml(.gz)?$
/sitemap.php?module_sep=$1&module_sub=$2&gzip=$3 last;
72 rewrite ^/([a-z0-9_]+)-([a-z0-9_-]+).xml(.gz)?$
/sitemap.php?$1=$2&gzip=$3 last;

So what exactly am I missing?


On Mon, Mar 05, 2012 at 11:11:46AM -0500, adam estes wrote:

/gymrss.php?nametoid=$1&$3&$5&$7&modulename=$8&gzip=$9 last;
70 rewrite ^/sitemapindex.xml(.gz)?$ /sitemap.php?gzip=$1 last;
71 rewrite ^/[a-z0-9_-]±([a-z]{1,2})([0-9]+).xml(.gz)?$
/sitemap.php?module_sep=$1&module_sub=$2&gzip=$3 last;
72 rewrite ^/([a-z0-9_]+)-([a-z0-9_-]+).xml(.gz)?$
/sitemap.php?$1=$2&gzip=$3 last;

So what exactly am I missing?

If a regular expression includes the characters “}” or “;”, the
whole expressions should be enclosed in single or double quotes.

Line numbers provided above looks off-by-one for some reason,
the problematic line is marked as “68”.

Maxim D.