Linux 3.3.7-1-ARCH i686
checking for C compiler … found
using GNU C compiler
gcc version: 4.7.0 20120505 (prerelease) (GCC)
checking for Linux specific features auto/os/linux:154: parse error near version=$((uname -r…’
… auto/modules:396: read-only variable: modules
On Fri, Jun 08, 2012 at 03:29:21PM +0800, Simon L. wrote:
nginx configure error when I use zsh.
This is my environment:
operating system: Linux(3.3.7-1-ARCH)
zsh: 4.3.17 (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
You mean using zsh instead of POSIX-compliant shell for /bin/sh?
Looks like bad idea. Zsh docs at most promise it will “try to
emulate sh”, nothing more.
Maxim D.
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