Nginx and uwsgi

nginx mailing list
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We are new to nginx (have prior experience with Apache) and have
1.2.1. The OS is CentOS.

We are not sure how uwsgi works with nginx:

  1.   Do we have to start uwsgi as a separate process?

Yes, but remember: uwsgi is a communication protocol (like http or
fastcgi), uWSGI is the application server.
You need to start uWSGI, and configure nginx to speak with it with the
protocol of choice (uwsgi, http or fastcgi)

  1.   There is no option/directives for loading modules in nginx (as it

is there in Apache).

nginx does not work in that way, but it should be not a problem for you
upstream modules (http, fastcgi, scgi, uwsgi) are compiled in by

  1.   I couldn't find a good documentation on the uwsgi based

The one in nginx wiki is confusing.

you need nothing particular:

include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass ;

all the other options are for fine tuning.

I suggest you to start from here:

Since nginx I think works as a reverse proxy where it forwards HTTP
to the uwsgi process, how about using something like Cherrypy or
PasteHTTPserver? Would there be any difference?

you can proxy nginx to whatever you want/need if the backend speaks one
the supported protocol (http, scgi, fastcgi, uwsgi)

Roberto De Ioris

Hi Roberto,

Thanks for the prompt response. That really helps.

Our major consideration for going with Nginx is performance.
If we have another process running (a wsgi server with python
application) and nginx working as a proxy translating HTTP requests to
another protocol (uwsgi, http or fastcgi), won’t that be an overhead?
I was under the impression that the Python application can be embedded
in Nginx using Wsgi.

We would really appreciate your thoughts/suggestions on the above.

Looking forward to your response…

Pinakee Biswas
Director & CTO

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Hi Roberto,

Thanks for the prompt response. That really helps.

Our major consideration for going with Nginx is performance.
If we have another process running (a wsgi server with python application)
and nginx working as a proxy translating HTTP requests to another protocol
(uwsgi, http or fastcgi), won’t that be an overhead?

Yes, there is an overhead, but it is practically irrelevant in the big
scheme. Your bootleneck will hardly be the webserver or the application
server. Running custom/non-deterministic apps directly in the webserver
a really old-style approach and afaik, only the php world still pushes
this kind of setups.

Take in account (as you came from apache), mod_wsgi preferred setup is
daemon mode, that is a beatiful abstraction of a proxied setup.

I was under the impression that the Python application can be embedded in
Nginx using Wsgi.

the only third-party-module allowing you to do so, is Manlio P.'s
mod_wsgi/mod_python for nginx. It is unmaintained, and its preferred
is in having another nginx in front of it proxying requests. Nginx is a
non-blocking server, putting blocking code in it (as 90% of the webapps
are), is the key to hell :slight_smile:

If you have got experience with apache+mod_wsgi, you can simply use
for serving static files and using apache+mod_wsgi (in embedded mode) as
your application server for python/wsgi. This is now a very common

Roberto De Ioris

Hash: SHA1

Il 11/06/2012 20:15, Roberto De Ioris ha scritto:


I was under the impression that the Python application can be embedded in
Nginx using Wsgi.

the only third-party-module allowing you to do so, is Manlio P.'s
mod_wsgi/mod_python for nginx. It is unmaintained,

Well, recently I have started to work on it again; at least now it works
with recent Nginx versions ;-).

I have not yet pushed the latest changes to the public repository at:

As Roberto pointed out, ngx_http_wsgi_module is not a “general” Python
web application server; but it works rather well for “carefully” written
applications, and memory usare is low.


Regards Manlio P.
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