Nginx 1.6.2 - Redirect users base on 4 digits number provide

Hello All,

I am trying to redirect users base on four digits number they provide.
instance, if they provide a number 4024 they will be redirect to web
name, if digits are 5025 they will be directed to another
server name if this possible? if so, can someone point
instructions, I am confuse. New to Nginx.

Thanks in advance,

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On Thursday, October 02, 2014 10:51:25 AM mottycruz wrote:

Posted at Nginx Forum:
Nginx 1.6.2 - Redirect users base on 4 digits number provide

nginx mailing list
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Probably Module ngx_http_map_module will come in handy. Depends on how many
entries you expect to have.

Best regards,
Styopa S…

Thank you very much Styopa, I am working on server that was installed by
person no longer in the company. I don’t know if Map modules was
installed. I am using Ubuntu 10.04.4 TLS.

here is part of my current configuration:

upstream backend {

Note: This following “server” section allows Secure SSL reverse proxy

controlled redirecting.
server {
listen 443;
server_name bob;
ssl on;
ssl_certificate /usr/local/nginx/certs/;
ssl_certificate_key /usr/local/nginx/certs/bob-apps.key;
server_name_in_redirect on;
cust_app_version_routing_apps app1,app2,app3;
access_log logs/host.access.log main;

    proxy_intercept_errors on;
    error_page 404 /myportal/Account/LogOn;
    # Main location
    location / {

my questions is can I add a second “upstream backend” and called
backend2”? I would like to route specific 4 digits number to “upstream
backend2”? would this is a possibility?

Posted at Nginx Forum:

Thanks for the post, I am trying to install map module but I can’t
out how to compile nginx with map module, I did the following:
–with-http_charset_module but get an error “invalid option”.

I would like to compile Nginx with upstread module as well, please help.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

Map and upstream are built by default, unless you removed them manually.
You might want to grab pre-built packages from the vendor: , or from your OS repository.

On Friday, October 03, 2014 12:33:08 PM mottycruz wrote:

nginx mailing list
[email protected]
nginx Info Page

Best regards,
Styopa S…

On Thursday, October 02, 2014 12:14:41 PM mottycruz wrote:

Note: This following “server” section allows Secure SSL reverse proxy and

    cust_app_version_routing_apps   app1,app2,app3;

Posted at Nginx Forum:
Re: Nginx 1.6.2 - Redirect users base on 4 digits number provide

nginx mailing list
[email protected]
nginx Info Page

There was a similar thread here:

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
Styopa S…

On Monday, October 06, 2014 12:24:35 PM mottycruz wrote:


Posted at Nginx Forum:
Re: Re: Re: Nginx 1.6.2 - Redirect users base on 4 digits number provide

nginx mailing list
[email protected]
nginx Info Page

Hello Motty,

I’m a little bit confused by your question. If your goal is to serve
different URLs by different backends, the config will look like this:

location = /app2 {

this will strip “/app2” from the request to the backend

e.g. user request of: /app2/

will be routed to app2 backend as:



If your goal is to return HTTP 301 permanent redirect, it will be:
location = /app2 {
return 301 $scheme://;

Please be sure to read the following info (it’s pretty short actually):

Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with 3rd-party modules, so I cannot
advise on them.

Sincerely yours,
Styopa S…

Thanks for your help Styopa,

I was able to find modules installed on our current proxy with the
command, because we have a customize module.

:~# /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -V
nginx version: nginx/0.7.67
built by gcc 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5.1)
TLS SNI support enabled
configure arguments: --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --with-http_ssl_module

I tried to redirect base on URL

for instance I tried:
Redirect ^/app2$;

but does not seem to be working, I can’t find much in the logs. do you
any suggestions?


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