
Changes with nginx 1.3.1 05 Jun

*) Security: now nginx/Windows ignores trailing dot in URI path
   component, and does not allow URIs with ":$" in it.
   Thanks to Vladimir Kochetkov, Positive Research Center.

*) Feature: the "proxy_pass", "fastcgi_pass", "scgi_pass", 

directives, and the “server” directive inside the “upstream”
now support IPv6 addresses.

*) Feature: the "resolver" directive now support IPv6 addresses and 

optional port specification.

*) Feature: the "least_conn" directive inside the "upstream" block.

*) Feature: it is now possible to specify a weight for servers while
   using the "ip_hash" directive.

*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if 

“image_filter” directive was used; the bug had appeared in 1.3.0.

*) Bugfix: nginx could not be built with ngx_cpp_test_module; the 

had appeared in 1.1.12.

*) Bugfix: access to variables from SSI and embedded perl module 

not work after reconfiguration.
Thanks to Yichun Z…

*) Bugfix: in the ngx_http_xslt_filter_module.
   Thanks to Kuramoto Eiji.

*) Bugfix: memory leak if $geoip_org variable was used.
   Thanks to Denis F. Latypoff.

*) Bugfix: in the "proxy_cookie_domain" and "proxy_cookie_path"

Maxim D.

Hello Nginx U.s,

Now available: Nginx 1.3.1 For Windows Nginx 1.3.1 for Windows – Kevin Worthington (32-bit and
64-bit versions)

These versions are to support legacy users who are already using
Cygwin based builds of Nginx. Officially supported native Windows
binaries are at

Thank you,

Kevin W.
kworthington @ (gmail] [dot} {com)

After I upgraded to nginx 1.3.1, I’ve been having a problem with
PHP-FPM. It would work fine for a few minutes then I would start getting
500 Internal Server Errors on all the pages that use PHP. I have to
keep restaring the PHP-FPM service in order to navigate my website.
Everything was running smoothly before upgrading nginx and I’ve haven’t
made any recent changes in the config files for both nginx and anything
PHP related. I’m running Fedora 14 (can’t upgrade to anything more
recent) and compiled nginx myself as I’ve always done in the past. Any
help would be greatly appreciated.

Owner and Founder of UFT

Wild guess: maybe some file openings limit reached?

Most important thing to start: what does the error log says?

B. R.

I’m still having problems. I forgot to mention that I’m running PHP

Owner and Founder of UFT

I’m assuming this is the error as that the error long is filled with
similar messages since around the time I upgraded:

2012/06/05 21:35:23 [error] 5976#0: *43558 connect() to
unix:/var/lib/php5-fpm/web1.sock failed (11: Resource temporarily
unavailable) while connecting to upstream, client:,
server:, request: “POST
/Forums-file-ajax_online_update-mypage-minus200.html HTTP/1.1”,
upstream: “fastcgi://unix:/var/lib/php5-fpm/web1.sock:”, host:”, referrer:


Well, you may:
1°) Search the ML
see if anyone already encountered your problem

2°) Since you said problems started to appear after an upgrade:
Use the stable releases of Nginx (latest is 1.2.1) rather than
version if you don’t especially need it
Revert to a previous development version to check if it could solve the

3°) Use the Fedora Nginx package.
Other people seem to have problems with Nginx on Fedora. Package are
for Fedora starting with v15, but maybe you can give it a try anyway?

4°) Check you system so see where the problem might come:
Too many files open, too many Nginx processes spawned, anything not

Can’t help much more, though…

B. R.

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Wed, 06 Jun 2012 15:49:38 -0700
Von: Brandon A. [email protected]
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: nginx 1.3.1 not PHP-FPM friendly

I’m still having problems. I forgot to mention that I’m running PHP 5.4.3.

I run nginx 1.3.1 and PHP 5.4.3 too and have no issues at all.

On 06/05/2012 09:28 PM, B.R. wrote:

After I upgraded to nginx 1.3.1, I've been having a problem with

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Empfehlen Sie GMX DSL Ihren Freunden und Bekannten und wir
belohnen Sie mit bis zu 50,- Euro!

My investigation of things on my server have just gotten a bit weirder.
My server has ISPConfig installed and the web based control panel is not
effected at all by this slowness. Yet everything on my site is taking an
insane amount of time to load if it loads at all. Even a simple php file
that contains only phpinfo(); takes forever… I’m completely baffled by

Owner and Founder of UFT

If ISPConfig is running without trouble, it seems the problem doesn’t
from Nginx or PHP-FPM themselves.
Check configuration, intermediates, conflicts, etc.

Maybe purge or start from scratch on a separate small installation of

  • PHP-FPM?
    Try to clean-up things and remove unecessary features to get back to a
    basic service.

That’s what I do when strange or apparently illogical problems arouse,

B. R.

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 09:00:05 -0700
Von: Brandon A. [email protected]
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: nginx 1.3.1 not PHP-FPM friendly

My investigation of things on my server have just gotten a bit weirder.
My server has ISPConfig installed and the web based control panel is not
effected at all by this slowness. Yet everything on my site is taking an
insane amount of time to load if it loads at all. Even a simple php file
that contains only phpinfo(); takes forever… I’m completely baffled by

But all of this has nothing to do with nginx. Does it take the same
amount of time if you call with php cli? Probably yes. Right?

Von: Brandon A.[email protected]
Owner and Founder of UFT

unix:/var/lib/php5-fpm/web1.sock failed (11: Resource temporarily

Most important thing to start: what does the error log says?

nginx mailing list
[email protected]
nginx Info Page

nginx mailing list
[email protected]
nginx Info Page

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