
Changes with nginx 1.0.12 06 Feb

*) Feature: the "TLSv1.1" and "TLSv1.2" parameters of the
   "ssl_protocols" directive.

*) Feature: the "if" SSI command supports captures in regular

*) Bugfix: the "if" SSI command did not work inside the "block" 


*) Bugfix: in AIO error handling on FreeBSD.

*) Bugfix: in the OpenSSL library initialization.

*) Bugfix: the "worker_cpu_affinity" directive might not work.

*) Bugfix: the "limit_conn_log_level" and "limit_req_log_level"
   directives might not work.

*) Bugfix: the "read_ahead" directive might not work combined with
   "try_files" and "open_file_cache".

*) Bugfix: the "proxy_cache_use_stale" directive with "error" 

did not return answer from cache if there were no live upstreams.

*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if 

time was used in the “inactive” parameter of the

*) Bugfix: responses from cache might hang.

*) Bugfix: in error handling while connecting to a backend.
   Thanks to Piotr S..

*) Bugfix: in the "epoll" event method.
   Thanks to Yichun Z..

*) Bugfix: the $sent_http_cache_control variable might contain a 

value if the “expires” directive was used.
Thanks to Yichun Z…

*) Bugfix: the "limit_rate" directive did not allow to use full
   throughput, even if limit value was very high.

*) Bugfix: the "sendfile_max_chunk" directive did not work, if the
   "limit_rate" directive was used.

*) Bugfix: nginx could not be built on Solaris; the bug had appeared 


*) Bugfix: in the ngx_http_scgi_module.

*) Bugfix: in the ngx_http_mp4_module.

Maxim D.

Hello Nginx U.s,

Now available: Nginx 1.0.12 For Windows (32-bit and
64-bit versions)

These versions are to support legacy users who are already using
Cygwin based builds of Nginx. Officially supported native Windows
binaries are at

Thank you,

Kevin W.
kworthington *@~ #gmail} [dot) {com]

On 6 February 2012 17:47, Maxim D. [email protected] wrote:

Changes with nginx 1.0.12 06 Feb 2012

*) Feature: the “TLSv1.1” and “TLSv1.2” parameters of the
“ssl_protocols” directive.

*) Feature: the “if” SSI command supports captures in regular

I was really hoping this feature from the 1.1.11 release would make it
into the next stable release (1.0.12)

*) Feature: the “proxy_redirect” directive supports variables in the
first parameter.

Looks like it didn’t make the cut. Any chance of making the next
release? The current limitation of variables to only the second
parameter makes this feature a bit cumbersome.

Because of a number of backend apps that try to redirect, I have to do:

proxy_redirect http://site_1:8080/ http://site_1/;

proxy_redirect http://site_2:8080/ http://site_2/;

proxy_redirect http://site_3:8080/ http://site_3/;

proxy_redirect http://site_n:8080/ http://site_n/;

in my proxy params file instead of a simple:

proxy_redirect http://:8080$host/ http://$host/;

Please consider adding it.


On 2/6/12 2:37 PM, Valentin V. Bartenev wrote:


If you need some feature from the development branch, then why not just use it?

Or wait about 5 weeks until 1.1 is “stable” (not that it isn’t stable

See Roadmap – nginx.

Jim O.

On Monday 06 February 2012 22:15:10 Nginx U. wrote:

I was really hoping this feature from the 1.1.11 release would make it
into the next stable release (1.0.12)

*) Feature: the “proxy_redirect” directive supports variables in the
first parameter.

Looks like it didn’t make the cut. Any chance of making the next
release? The current limitation of variables to only the second
parameter makes this feature a bit cumbersome.


If you need some feature from the development branch, then why not just
use it?

wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

On 6 February 2012 22:37, Valentin V. Bartenev [email protected] wrote:

If you need some feature from the development branch, then why not just use it?
I realise that the dev branch is rated OK for production but prefer to
stay with the other because I don’t want to break things.

I hope this feature makes it into 1.0.13 due in four weeks as I’ll
need some time to evaluate the 1.1.x branch before deciding whether to
move to it even if it does become stable.
