Maxim, thanks for your help. I saved fresh core to anothe directory
and ran gdb, output of the commands that you provided is:
(gdb) fr 0
#0 0x080aaca8 in ngx_http_file_cache_update (r=0x8200528, tf=0x8201570)
at src/http/ngx_http_file_cache.c:790
790 if (c->updated) {
(gdb) p c
$1 = (ngx_http_cache_t *) 0x0
(gdb) p *r
$2 = {signature = 1347703880, connection = 0x8133e88, ctx = 0x82009d8,
main_conf = 0x8100a0c, srv_conf = 0x8112e90, loc_conf = 0x8113e38,
read_event_handler = 0x809ba57
<ngx_http_upstream_rd_check_broken_connection>, write_event_handler =
0x808ba03 <ngx_http_request_empty_handler>,
cache = 0x0, upstream = 0x8200dc0, upstream_states = 0x8201378, pool =
0x82007d0, header_in = 0x81fbf1c, headers_in = {headers = {last =
part = {elts = 0x8200af4, nelts = 9, next = 0x0}, size = 24,
nalloc = 20, pool = 0x82007d0}, host = 0x8200af4, connection = 0x0,
if_modified_since = 0x0, user_agent = 0x8200b0c, referer =
0x8200bb4, content_length = 0x0, content_type = 0x0, range = 0x0,
if_range = 0x0,
transfer_encoding = 0x0, expect = 0x0, accept_encoding = 0x8200b54,
via = 0x0, authorization = 0x0, keep_alive = 0x8200b84, x_forwarded_for
= 0x0,
x_real_ip = 0x0, depth = 0x0, destination = 0x0, overwrite = 0x0,
date = 0x0, user = {len = 0, data = 0x0}, passwd = {len = 0, data =
0x0}, cookies = {
elts = 0x8200cd4, nelts = 0, size = 4, nalloc = 2, pool =
0x82007d0}, server = {len = 13,
data = 0x8200ce0
content_length_n = -1, keep_alive_n = 115, connection_type = 2, msie
= 0, msie4 = 0, msie6 = 0, opera = 0, gecko = 1, chrome = 0, safari = 0,
konqueror = 0}, headers_out = {headers = {last = 0x820060c, part =
{elts = 0x82007f8, nelts = 0, next = 0x0}, size = 24, nalloc = 20,
pool = 0x82007d0}, status = 200, status_line = {len = 0, data =
0x0}, server = 0x0, date = 0x0, content_length = 0x0, content_encoding =
location = 0x0, refresh = 0x0, last_modified = 0x0, content_range =
0x0, accept_ranges = 0x0, www_authenticate = 0x0, expires = 0x0, etag =
override_charset = 0x0, content_type_len = 9, content_type = {len =
9, data = 0x80d4ce9 “image/gif”}, charset = {len = 0, data = 0x0},
content_type_lowcase = 0x0, content_type_hash = 0, cache_control =
{elts = 0x0, nelts = 0, size = 0, nalloc = 0, pool = 0x0},
content_length_n = 43,
date_time = 0, last_modified_time = 23349600}, request_body =
0x820103c, lingering_time = 0, start_sec = 1295025115, start_msec = 407,
method = 2,
http_version = 1001, request_line = {len = 30, data = 0x81fbfa8 “GET
/preview/x045.jpg HTTP/1.1\r\nHost”}, uri = {len = 6, data = 0x8113d6c
args = {len = 0, data = 0x0}, exten = {len = 0, data = 0x0},
unparsed_uri = {len = 17, data = 0x81fbfac “/preview/x045.jpg
method_name = {len = 3, data = 0x80cdf28 “GET “}, http_protocol = {len
= 8, data = 0x81fbfbe “HTTP/1.1\r\nHost”}, out = 0x0, main = 0x8200528,
parent = 0x0, postponed = 0x0, post_subrequest = 0x0, posted_requests
= 0x0, virtual_names = 0x81336a4, phase_handler = 12,
content_handler = 0x80c6618 <ngx_http_empty_gif_handler>, access_code
= 0, variables = 0x8200a54, ncaptures = 0, captures = 0x0, captures_data
= 0x0,
limit_rate = 0, header_size = 217, request_length = 423, err_status =
0, http_connection = 0x81fbefc,
log_handler = 0x808c150 <ngx_http_log_error_handler>, cleanup =
0x82013ac, subrequests = 51, count = 2, blocked = 0, aio = 0, http_state
= 2,
—Type to continue, or q to quit—
complex_uri = 0, quoted_uri = 0, plus_in_uri = 0, space_in_uri = 0,
invalid_header = 0, add_uri_to_alias = 0, valid_location = 1,
valid_unparsed_uri = 1, uri_changed = 0, uri_changes = 10,
request_body_in_single_buf = 0, request_body_in_file_only = 0,
request_body_in_persistent_file = 0, request_body_in_clean_file = 0,
request_body_file_group_access = 0, request_body_file_log_level = 5,
subrequest_in_memory = 0, waited = 0, cached = 0, gzip_tested = 0,
gzip_ok = 0, gzip_vary = 0, proxy = 0, bypass_cache = 0, no_cache = 0,
limit_zone_set = 0, limit_req_set = 0, pipeline = 0, plain_http = 0,
chunked = 0, header_only = 0, keepalive = 1, lingering_close = 0,
discard_body = 0,
internal = 1, error_page = 1, ignore_content_encoding = 0,
filter_finalize = 1, post_action = 0, request_complete = 0,
request_output = 1,
header_sent = 1, expect_tested = 0, root_tested = 0, done = 0, logged
= 0, buffered = 0, main_filter_need_in_memory = 1, filter_need_in_memory
= 0,
filter_need_temporary = 0, allow_ranges = 0, stat_reading = 0,
stat_writing = 1, state = 0, header_hash = 3519315678, lowcase_index =
lowcase_header = “connectionngthg”, ‘\000’ <repeats 16 times>,
header_name_start = 0x82018a9 “\r\n\r\n404 Not
Found\r\n<body bgcolor=“white”>\r\n
404 Not
\b\364” \b”,
header_name_end = 0x82018a0 “: close\r\n\r\n\r\n404
Not Found\r\n<body bgcolor=“white”>\r\n
\b\364” \b”,
header_start = 0x82018a2 “close\r\n\r\n\r\n404 Not
Found\r\n<body bgcolor=“white”>\r\n
404 Not
\b\364” \b",
header_end = 0x82018a9 “\r\n\r\n404 Not
Found\r\n<body bgcolor=“white”>\r\n
404 Not
\b\364” \b", uri_start = 0x81fbfac “/preview/x045.jpg
uri_end = 0x81fbfbd " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost", uri_ext = 0x81fbfba “jpg
HTTP/1.1\r\nHost”, args_start = 0x0,
request_start = 0x81fbfa8 “GET /preview/x045.jpg HTTP/1.1\r\nHost”,
request_end = 0x81fbfc6 “\r\nHost”,
method_end = 0x81fbfaa “T /preview/x045.jpg HTTP/1.1\r\nHost”,
schema_start = 0x0, schema_end = 0x0, host_start = 0x0, host_end = 0x0,
port_start = 0x0,
port_end = 0x0, http_minor = 1, http_major = 1}
(gdb) p *c
Cannot access memory at address 0x0