
Changes with nginx 0.5.34 13 Dec

*) Change: now the full request line instead of URI only is written 


*) Feature: Cygwin compatibility.
   Thanks to Vladimir Kutakov.

*) Feature: the "merge_slashes" directive.

*) Feature: the "gzip_vary" directive.

*) Feature: the "server_tokens" directive.

*) Feature: the "access_log" directive may be used inside the
   "limit_except" block.

*) Bugfix: if the $server_protocol was used in FastCGI parameters 

and a
request line length was near to the “client_header_buffer_size”
directive value, then nginx issued an alert “fastcgi: the request
record is too big”.

*) Bugfix: if a plain text HTTP/0.9 version request was made to 

server, then nginx returned usual response.

*) Bugfix: URL double escaping in a redirect of the "msie_refresh"
   directive; bug appeared in 0.5.28.

*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in worker process if
   subrequests were used.

*) Bugfix: the big responses may be transferred truncated if SSL and
   gzip were used.

*) Bugfix: compatibility with mget.

*) Bugfix: nginx did not unescape URI in the "include" SSI command.

*) Bugfix: the segmentation fault was occurred on start or while
   reconfiguration if variable was used in the "charset" or
   "source_charset" directives.

*) Bugfix: nginx returned the 400 response on requests like
   "GET HTTP/1.0".
   Thanks to James Oakley.

*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault occurred in worker process if
   $date_local and $date_gmt were used outside the

*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in worker process if 

log was enabled.
Thanks to Andrei Nigmatulin.

*) Bugfix: ngx_http_memcached_module did not set
   Thanks to Maxim D..

*) Bugfix: a worker process may got caught in an endless loop, if 

memcached was used.