Hi everyone,
I’ve got a “solid” grasp on the basics of Ruby. I can write stuff with
it. Everything is an object, so the Ruby way is to go that way. Some
objects aren’t Enumerable, but Enumerable makes us happy. Rdoc is your
Now, I’m looking for the next steps. I have already found a very, very
basic use for method_missing:
an object has a @property hash, so calling MyObject.x raises an error if
x is not a key, and returns the value of @property[x] otherwise.
What material would you recommend to develop more advanced Ruby skills,
such as metaprogramming, Ruby that writes itself dynamically,
const_missing, method_missing, etc ?
Imagine you’re teaching someone and one day you look at them and you say
“Young padawan…”
go out and find a project you or other people find useful
and code away… You will learn best by actually coding
something and by fully applying yourself to it. The more
you want it to work, the more you’ll learn from it.
That’s my experience.
If you don’t know what to do, ask on the mailing list
or get inspired by other people’s projects (e.g. on
GitHub, Ohloh and other such marvellous places).
go out and find a project you or other people find useful
and code away… You will learn best by actually coding
something and by fully applying yourself to it. The more
you want it to work, the more you’ll learn from it.
Maybe. I’m 26.
I am writing something already - GitHub - Trevoke/SGFParser: A Ruby library to parse SGF (Smart Game Format) files, best-known for holding weiqi / go game records .
It’s a little crude right now, but it’s going to be developed further
and further into useful apps / maybe a full-fledged go software.
The part that scares me the most is the graphical user interface to play
go / see the results, but that’s a long way away. First I need to find a
good way to represent the data of a go game so it’s easily manipulated.
What material would you recommend to develop more advanced Ruby skills,
such as metaprogramming, Ruby that writes itself dynamically,
const_missing, method_missing, etc ?
This the best “second steps in Ruby” book known to me. m.