Next meeting of the AgileMaryland Ruby Codefest

The AgileMaryland Ruby codefests are starting up again now the holidays
are over. The next meeting will be Monday January 8th. One item on our
plate will be the TDDing (Test Driven Development) of our GUI. My
spike of writting unit tests against Ruby’s Tk GUI package has me highly
encouraged that we should do well.

We are willing to have anyone join us that is willing to learn about

Ruby and to learn about Test Driven Development. We normally meet at
over at the Columbia MD Panera Bread in Dobbin Center (some of us show
early, so come sooner if you can).

Panera bread location:
Dobbin Center
**6435 Dobbin Road
Columbia, MD 21045
(410) 772-8632 | phone
(410) 772-8634 | fax
Satellite View of Panera
(NOTE: This is NOT the one at the Columbia Mall.) I will monitor for
cell calls at 240-671-9368 in case you have trouble finding us.

Information on project:

Directions to the meeting:

Codefest meeting schedule for January
Monday January 8th
Monday January 15th
Monday January 22nd
Monday January 29th