Dear Expert,
I want to check the file size of a URI to identify large files (I will
decide on threshold) without having to get the whole file first.
Can I get just the file size using something related to Net::Http
(don’t know if Propfind would help and if it does how).
Thanks in advance.
2008/5/30 Ruchira B. [email protected]:
Dear Expert,
I want to check the file size of a URI to identify large files (I will
decide on threshold) without having to get the whole file first.
Can I get just the file size using something related to Net::Http
(don’t know if Propfind would help and if it does how).
require ‘net/http’
response = nil
Net::HTTP.start(‘’, 80) {|http|
response = http.head(‘/bcg/categories/languages/ruby/ruby_logo.png’)
p response[‘content-length’]
Park H.
On May 30, 7:52 am, Heesob P. [email protected] wrote:
(don’t know if Propfind would help and if it does how).
Park H.
Thank you very much Park.