I'm very new on rails, I discovered it last week so, sorry if my
question are stupid, I am wainting for some books on rails, read some
documentation but can’t solve this problems.
I imported gem for autenticate account (signup, login, logout) but
I want to extend it so the user fills some important information that
will be stored in other table rather than users, this is the table
company, when the user creates their account, a company would be
So I modify the rhtml of the view, include some fields of the
company table, an in the controller user in signup method
def signup
@user = User.new
I inserted this line
@company = Company.new
also in def create
@company = Company.new(params[:firm])
@user = User.new(params[:user])
The form inserts the data for user, but not for company, any idea how
to accomplish this?
Thank you