Hi all,
I am new to rspec and trying to use cucumber to learn writingfeatures.
I follow the wiki page
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my first feature.
The command “ruby script/generate feature Frooble name color
description” generates a file “manage_froobles.feature” with
itscontent as following:
------ manage_froobles.feature —
Feature: Manage froobles
In order to keep track of froobles
A frooble mechanic
Should be able to manage several froobles
Scenario: Register new frooble
<…omit some lines here…>
Scenario: Delete frooble
Given there are 4 froobles
When I delete the first frooble
Then there should be 3 froobles left
| initial | after |
| 100 | 99 |
| 1 | 0 |
------end of manage_froobles.feature —
I quite understand most of lines in this file except the last few
lines, which composes a two-column table with heads “initial” and
“after”. I am really confusing on what is the meaning of those data. I
have studied some background knowledge about stories in BDD, while
those don’t help me understand this. So any hints? Thanks in dvance!