Newbie's question about generated features by cucumber in Rails

Hi all,

I am new to rspec and trying to use cucumber to learn writingfeatures.
I follow the wiki page
GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHub to start
my first feature.

The command “ruby script/generate feature Frooble name color
description” generates a file “manage_froobles.feature” with
itscontent as following:

------ manage_froobles.feature —
Feature: Manage froobles
In order to keep track of froobles
A frooble mechanic
Should be able to manage several froobles

Scenario: Register new frooble
<…omit some lines here…>

Scenario: Delete frooble
Given there are 4 froobles
When I delete the first frooble
Then there should be 3 froobles left

| initial | after |
| 100 | 99 |
| 1 | 0 |
------end of manage_froobles.feature —

I quite understand most of lines in this file except the last few
lines, which composes a two-column table with heads “initial” and
“after”. I am really confusing on what is the meaning of those data. I
have studied some background knowledge about stories in BDD, while
those don’t help me understand this. So any hints? Thanks in dvance!


On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 6:22 PM, Lian L. [email protected]

Given there are 4 froobles
“after”. I am really confusing on what is the meaning of those data. I
have studied some background knowledge about stories in BDD, while
those don’t help me understand this. So any hints? Thanks in dvance!

This table will run the previous scenario once for each row in the
table, substituting the parameters in the scenario. The first line in
the table is just for documentation. It’s inspired from column
fixtures in the FIT tool: Wiki: Column Fixture
