Hello all,
I am new to RoR and am working my way through Timothy Fisher’s Ruby On
Bible. I’m stuck on page 81. I have followed the steps leading to this
cd rails_projects
rails contactlist
ruby script/server webrick
open a cmd window and run mysql: create database
use contactlist_development;
create table contacts (id int not null auto_increment, …etc.);
show tables;
describe contacts;
ruby script/generate model Contact
<look at app/models/contact.rb, which shows:>
class Contact < ActiveRecord:: Base
ruby script/console
Loading development environment
my_contact = Contact.new
<here’s the problem: instead of showing me the attributes of the
instance, I
get the message:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Could not find table ‘contacts’ from
c:\program files\BitNami RubyStack/ruby/lib/ruby/gems… etc… and
other error messages too.
Ohhh! I just noticed that another of the error messages indicates that
it is
looking for a sqlite3_adapter.rb:29. Hmmm. How do I tell it that I’m
mySQL not sqlite?
For most or all of you, this is probably a trivial question, but for me
is a show stopper. I’m very excited by the language and the framework
the book, but at the moment I’m slamming my forehead on this wall.
Ohhh! I just noticed that another of the error messages indicates that it is looking for a
sqlite3_adapter.rb:29. Hmmm. How do I tell it that I’m using mySQL not sqlite?
When you create the app, you can do:
rails myapp --database=mysql
If you’ve already created the app, do the above on a second app, then
look at config/database.yml and you’ll see the difference in
configuration (which you can then adapt for your original app by
editing its database.yml).
David A. Black, Director
Ruby Power and Light, LLC (http://www.rubypal.com)
Ruby/Rails training, consulting, mentoring, code review
Book: The Well-Grounded Rubyist (The Well-Grounded Rubyist)
Also, after creating the app with the appropriate database selected,
you will want to confirm the settings in the db configuration file
“application/config/database.yml”. Specifically check the values for
“database”, “username”, and “password” that are associated with all 3
modes (development, test, production).
By the way, “rails --help” will give you a list of all command line