Newbie Trouble with RubyOnRails Bible

Hello all,
I am new to RoR and am working my way through Timothy Fisher’s Ruby On
Bible. I’m stuck on page 81. I have followed the steps leading to this

cd rails_projects
rails contactlist

ruby script/server webrick

open a cmd window and run mysql: create database
use contactlist_development;
create table contacts (id int not null auto_increment, …etc.);
show tables;

describe contacts;

ruby script/generate model Contact

<look at app/models/contact.rb, which shows:>
class Contact < ActiveRecord:: Base
ruby script/console
Loading development environment

my_contact =
<here’s the problem: instead of showing me the attributes of the
instance, I
get the message:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Could not find table ‘contacts’ from
c:\program files\BitNami RubyStack/ruby/lib/ruby/gems… etc… and
other error messages too.

Ohhh! I just noticed that another of the error messages indicates that
it is
looking for a sqlite3_adapter.rb:29. Hmmm. How do I tell it that I’m
mySQL not sqlite?

For most or all of you, this is probably a trivial question, but for me
is a show stopper. I’m very excited by the language and the framework
the book, but at the moment I’m slamming my forehead on this wall.


Hi –

On Sun, 27 Sep 2009, Arthur Fuller wrote:

Ohhh! I just noticed that another of the error messages indicates that it is looking for a
sqlite3_adapter.rb:29. Hmmm. How do I tell it that I’m using mySQL not sqlite?

When you create the app, you can do:

rails myapp --database=mysql

If you’ve already created the app, do the above on a second app, then
look at config/database.yml and you’ll see the difference in
configuration (which you can then adapt for your original app by
editing its database.yml).


David A. Black, Director
Ruby Power and Light, LLC (
Ruby/Rails training, consulting, mentoring, code review
Book: The Well-Grounded Rubyist (The Well-Grounded Rubyist)

Also, after creating the app with the appropriate database selected,
you will want to confirm the settings in the db configuration file
“application/config/database.yml”. Specifically check the values for
“database”, “username”, and “password” that are associated with all 3
modes (development, test, production).

By the way, “rails --help” will give you a list of all command line

See also:

Here’s a helpful resource:

search for ‘mysql’ and you’ll find an example configuration.