Newbie - trouble with acts_as_taggable_on_steroids

I’ve installed the plugin for taggable steroids, read the read me,
followed the instructions, but I’m getting the error ‘undefined method
tag_list’. How is that possible? I assume that the method tag_list
should be included as part of the plugin and there’s no mention of
anything in the readme, etc. What am I doing wrong here? Is there some
code I need to add into the plugins directory? Where should this
method be found (it’s not in the project at all)?


I’ve installed the plugin for taggable steroids, read the read me,
followed the instructions, but I’m getting the error ‘undefined method

how far did you follow it? did you define acts_as_taggable in your
did you run the migrations?

How is that possible? I assume that the method tag_list
should be included as part of the plugin and there’s no mention of
anything in the readme, etc.

yep, right. using acts_as_taggable in your model should add those

What am I doing wrong here? Is there some
code I need to add into the plugins directory? Where should this
method be found (it’s not in the project at all)?

if you followed the installation process with:
ruby script/plugin install …
it should have put the code in the folder
vendor/plugins below you project root.
if it’s not there, something went wrong.

restart the server. otherwise the plug won’t be loaded.

run the migrations, make sure the tags and taggings tables exist

in your model declare

that should be all…

Thanks for your reply, yes I did follow all the instructions.
restarting the server did not help. i went back to an earlier version
and redid the plugin install, etc. and it worked fine this time. I
guess something just came in wonky on my first try. Thanks for the
sanity check.

On Apr 30, 11:04 am, Thorsten M. <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-