Hello all,
I am new to ruby I wish to get started on with it. I have downloading
the programming language from the ruby.org website and I am wondering if
the is an open-source compiler out there for windows that would be good
for a beginner to use or do i have to do everything with notepad++?
Lastly, can anyone give me any site or help on getting started doing
programming with ruby?
Ruby is a scripting language so unless you want to compile the C code,
you will need an interpreter.
I haven’t actually used it on Windows but I think there’s this ruby
installer, which you setup everything with double click. The address for
that is: http://rubyinstaller.org/
TryRuby is an interactive ruby teaching environment. It is not anything
elaborate but will teach you the basics. The address is
After that get your hands on the famous pickaxe book
http://pragprog.com/book/ruby/programming-ruby (it is the almost
official ruby bible)
On Thu, Feb 02, 2012 at 03:49:00PM +0900, sixxvirus sixxvirus wrote:
Hello all,
I am new to ruby I wish to get started on with it. I have downloading
the programming language from the ruby.org website and I am wondering if
the is an open-source compiler out there for windows that would be good
for a beginner to use or do i have to do everything with notepad++?
Do you actually mean to ask for a compiler (which doesn’t exist as far
I’m aware; Ruby is interpreted rather than compiled), or are you asking
about options for better text editors and/or IDEs than Notepad++?
If the latter, you’ll probably get as many answers as there are people
using Ruby. My preference is for vi, for instance, though I can have my
arm twisted into using something like SciTE if need be.
Lastly, can anyone give me any site or help on getting started doing
programming with ruby?
The other person I’ve seen respond to you offered a couple of good
suggestions. There are a lot of excellent books available, too, but
of them cost money, so I’m not sure they would meet your requirements
given the way you phrased the question.
I am and still are Java programming working on Data sturcture, more so
Trees and heaps. I wanted to try Ruby to see where it takes me,and what
I can make with it. I was a computer science major until I had to drop
out since I needed to work to get off my feet thus, out of my parents
But more so and hopefully go back to college.
My dream is go get a PHD is Comp Sci
Anyways back on the farm…
Yes, what I ment was a Ruby interpreted to compile
my source code file from nodepad++.
I would use VI if I was running ubuntu, yet as of right now
I only have a laptop with driver issues and I cant only
get it to connected using Vista.
I have worked with other interpreted langs. (PERL, PYTHON),
perl was alil out of date for me and python I guess
was not for me.
puts ‘Hello Ruby :-)’