John J. wrote:
Yeah, SQLite is a good choice for speed especially, but it isn’t nearly
as well documented as MySQL or PostgreSQL so if you go with a database,
start with something well-documented and with a good book so you don’t
get lost.
Well, I disagree. I found that documentation of SQLite3 better, than
that of MySQL. But then, those are very different beasts, with different
target audiences.
A book that introduces SQL in general, together with SQLite3 is a good
introduction to relational databases. MySQL is nice to find out what
permission and ACL is all about, and you can move to Oracle XE (a free
version of the Oracle datbase), if you want to mess around with the big
For small site (like 10 pages or less) that doesn’t change often, just
avoid a database for the site as a whole. If you need a news page that
gets updated regularly, then you might want more, but an easy solution
is to use a blog for news and customize the appearance.
Well, a Blog is, essentially, a “dumbed down” (or rather: focusing on
one aspect) CMS, and a good way to present news-like stuff.
But that can be done equally well with, say, and HTML editor with FTP
support, where you can upload your local files (making it a
Client-Server-CMS, instead of a pure webdriven CMS, like Drupal or
Lots of Rubyists
and Rails people use WordPress because it works so well and is well
documented and proven as a solution. Never mind that it is PHP driven,
that’s not a bad thing. If you’re planning to use Ruby for web sites, it
might be good to learn about PHP too, you can see a lot of cool ideas
there and good functionality. You can always recreate it in Ruby!
Well, WordPress is riddled with security problems, which come, in part,
from PHP. (
But yeah, there are a lot of well-written, and very usable PHP
aplications (Joomla, TikiWiki, to name just two). And a ready supply for
ideas, too.
A good tool for this kind of comparison are the OReilly books PHP
Cookbook and Ruby Cookbook. They focus on little code solutions to do
specific things. (though I must say the Ruby Cookbook is slightly better
because it goes into greater detail of explaining what and why). The
Ruby Cookbook is also good for building muscles, because it’s not
If your muscles get too big, you’ll have to switch to Python, because
many Python books are just very thick and heavy.
Well, quantity doesn’t relate to quality. And the Pickaxe isn’t
lightweight, either.
But yes, it is important to not focus just on one language, as other
languages, and their usage, can be very enlightening. Although I’m
horrified by the look of PHP code, compared to Ruby.
I’d say, that Rubyists especially should look beyond just Ruby. (I’m
planning to do that, once I can count myself as a Rubyist. My skills
aren’t very developed yet).
Phillip “CynicalRyan” Gawlowski
Rule of Open-Source Programming #4:
If you don’t work on your project, chances are that no one will.