Newbie: sorting an array of custom objects


As a project for learning Ruby, I’m writing a simple game. I have some
simple objects that I would like to be able to sort ‘automatically’ in
an array. In Java, I can implement the Comparable interface to make the
Array.sort method do this for me. I’m sure I can do something similar or
simpler i Ruby, I just don’t know how. Can anyone help? An even more
elegant solution would be to able to say to the array ‘just put this
object where it belongs’, without really having to sort the whole array.

Thanks a lot!

Kind regards,

Einar Høst wrote:

Thanks a lot!

Kind regards,

arr.sort_by{|obj| obj.some_field}


Marcin MielżyÅ?ski wrote:

whole array.

Thanks a lot!

Kind regards,

arr.sort_by{|obj| obj.some_field}

there is also another method for array sorting (actually it was the
first in standard library)

arr.sort{|a,b| a.some_field <=> b.some_field}

if you define <=> operator for your class

def <=> arg
@some_field <=> arg.some_field

ther you will be able to



Marcin MielżyÅ?ski skrev:

whole array.

Thanks a lot!

Kind regards,

arr.sort_by{|obj| obj.some_field}


That solution requires some_field to be ‘naturally’ ordered, though,
doesn’t it? (I’m very new to Ruby…) What if some_field contains a
string, and I want ‘Oranges’ to be sorted before ‘Apples’? Actually, I’m
writing a card game, so I want ‘Spades’ < ‘Hearts’ < ‘Clubs’ <

  • Einar

On Mar 8, 2006, at 3:38 PM, Einar Høst wrote:

As a project for learning Ruby, I’m writing a simple game. I have
some simple objects that I would like to be able to sort
‘automatically’ in an array. In Java, I can implement the
Comparable interface to make the Array.sort method do this for me.
I’m sure I can do something similar or simpler i Ruby, I just don’t
know how. Can anyone help? An even more elegant solution would be
to able to say to the array ‘just put this object where it
belongs’, without really having to sort the whole array.

You could use a SortedSet, however this has a downside. A Set
contains no duplicate objects.

require ‘set’

set =
set << 3
set << 1
set << 10
set << 3
p set # -> #<SortedSet: {1, 3, 10}>

– Daniel

On Mar 8, 2006, at 15:38, Einar Høst wrote:

As a project for learning Ruby, I’m writing a simple game. I have
some simple objects that I would like to be able to sort
‘automatically’ in an array. In Java, I can implement the
Comparable interface to make the Array.sort method do this for me.
I’m sure I can do something similar or simpler i Ruby, I just don’t
know how. Can anyone help? An even more elegant solution would be
to able to say to the array ‘just put this object where it
belongs’, without really having to sort the whole array.

The analogous approach in Ruby uses the Comparable mixin:

class Foo
include Comparable

 def <=>(other)
   # custom order logic


which, based on the custom <=>, in addition provides for free the
operators <, <=, ==, >=, and >.

– fxn

On Wednesday 08 March 2006 08:48, Einar Høst wrote:

That solution requires some_field to be ‘naturally’ ordered, though,
doesn’t it? (I’m very new to Ruby…) What if some_field contains a
string, and I want ‘Oranges’ to be sorted before ‘Apples’? Actually, I’m
writing a card game, so I want ‘Spades’ < ‘Hearts’ < ‘Clubs’ < ‘Diamonds’.

  • Einar

Ideally you would have a Card class that has value and suit fields. Then
could implement <=> and just use Array#sort.

Alternatively, if you want to sort a specific way just the one time, you
pass a block to sort which takes two parameters |a,b| and returns -1 if
a <
b, 0 if a == b and 1 if a >b.

So, you could do something like:

#an array of suit strings
SUITS = %w{Spades Hearts Clubs Diamonds}

use a simple array for each card for this example

cards = [[3, ‘Clubs’], [2, ‘Spades’], [10, ‘Diamonds’], [5, ‘Clubs’],

sorted = cards.sort { |a, b|
ord = SUITS.index(a.last) <=> SUITS.index(b.last) #sort by suit
ord = a.first <=> b.first if ord = 0 #suit matched, so sort value

#print out the cards in sorted order
puts{ |card| “#{card.first} of #{card.last}” }.join(’, ')

On Mar 8, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Daniel H. wrote:

and full example of a Card game skeleton:

However, the SUITES and VALUES constants should be in the Deck class.
And be sure to raise an error from Deck#draw_card it is empty :wink:

– Daniel

“=?UTF-8?B?RWluYXIgSMO4c3Q=?=” [email protected] writes:

That solution requires some_field to be ‘naturally’ ordered, though,
doesn’t it? (I’m very new to Ruby…) What if some_field contains a
string, and I want ‘Oranges’ to be sorted before ‘Apples’? Actually,
I’m writing a card game, so I want ‘Spades’ < ‘Hearts’ < ‘Clubs’ <

arr.sort_by{|card| ~card.suit[0] & 0x1a}


On Mar 8, 2006, at 3:48 PM, Einar Høst wrote:

That solution requires some_field to be ‘naturally’ ordered,
though, doesn’t it? (I’m very new to Ruby…) What if some_field
contains a string, and I want ‘Oranges’ to be sorted before
‘Apples’? Actually, I’m writing a card game, so I want ‘Spades’ <
‘Hearts’ < ‘Clubs’ < ‘Diamonds’.

  • Einar

As mentioned, you should use the Comparable mix-in.

class Card
include Comparable

SUITES = %w{Spade Heart Club Diamond}
VALUES = %w{Ace King Queen Jack} + (“1”…“10”).to_a.reverse

def initialize(suite, value)
@suite, @value = suite, value
attr_reader :suite, :value

def <=>(card)
if @suite == card.suite
VALUES.index(@value) <=> VALUES.index(card.value)
SUITES.index(@suite) <=> SUITES.index(card.suite)

and full example of a Card game skeleton:

require ‘pp’

module CardGame
class Deck
def initialize
@cards = []
Card::SUITES.each do |suite|
Card::VALUES.each { |v| @cards <<, v) }
# shuffle the deck
@cards = @cards.sort_by { rand }

 def draw_card


class Card
include Comparable

 SUITES = %w{Spade Heart Club Diamond}
 VALUES = %w{Ace King Queen Jack} + ("1".."10").to_a.reverse

 def initialize(suite, value)
   @suite, @value = suite, value
 attr_reader :suite, :value

 def <=>(card)
   if @suite == card.suite
     VALUES.index(@value) <=> VALUES.index(card.value)
     SUITES.index(@suite) <=> SUITES.index(card.suite)


class Hand
def initialize
@cards = []

 def <<(card)
   @cards << card


deck =
hand1 =
hand2 =

Draw some cards

3.times do
hand1 << deck.draw_card
hand2 << deck.draw_card

pp hand1, hand2


– Daniel

Also, let me add that I’ve heard lots of nice things about the Ruby
community - now I know that it’s not just talk. Thanks to everyone for
their replies :slight_smile:

  • Einar

Daniel H. wrote:


include Comparable
  if @suite == card.suite

hand1 =

– Daniel

Thanks a lot! This sort of resembles the code I’ve written, apart from
all the interesting bits! :slight_smile: In particular the sorting bit, but also
the shuffling - so much more elegant than my “manual” approach.

In general I’m interested “idiomatic programming”, so I’m very much
looking for “the Ruby way” of doing these things. In fact, I’m also
writing the game in C#, which is the language I know best. In a way, the
more different the implementations become, the happier I’ll be.

  • Einar