Newbie Ruby Softball

I’m new to ruby but trying to learn. I’ve been trying to figure out some
things about a book example and having the darndest time of it. I’ve
been trying to google and look up the api and use a book reference but
I’m left with some questions. That’s where I was hoping a kind soul from
this forum could come in. Answers directly below, code on bottom.

I understand that @varname is essentially defining how open the variable
“varname” is, but I don’t understand why “@children = children” is
needed, couldn’t the code just use “children”?

children and node_name reference attr_accessor. Am I right to think that
the names of these two objects are inconsequential? What are we doing
here? I’m guessing making instances of attr_accessor and naming them
“children” and “node_name”?

Does children have the “each” parameter by virtue of inheriting from
attr_accessor? Is each something I can do on each and every object then?

thanks for bearing with me!

class Tree
attr_accessor :children, :node_name

def initialize (name, children=[])
@children = children
@node_name = name

def visit_all(&block)
visit &block
children.each {|c| c.visit_all &block}

def visit(&block) self

ruby_tree = “Ruby”, [“Reia”),“MacRuby”)])

puts “Visiting a node”
ruby_tree.visit {|node| puts node.node_name}

puts “Visiting entire tree”
ruby_tree.visit_all {|node| puts node.node_name}

@children is an instance variable. children is a local variable.

I don’t understand why “@children = children” is
needed, couldn’t the code just use “children”?

children will go out of scope at the end of the call to initialize.
@children won’t.

Am I right to think that
the names of these two objects are inconsequential? What are we doing
here? I’m guessing making instances of attr_accessor and naming them
“children” and “node_name”?

Please read this:

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 9:47 PM, mike lev [email protected] wrote:

I’m new to ruby but trying to learn. I’ve been trying to figure out some
things about a book example and having the darndest time of it. I’ve
been trying to google and look up the api and use a book reference but
I’m left with some questions. That’s where I was hoping a kind soul from
this forum could come in. Answers directly below, code on bottom.

I understand that @varname is essentially defining how open the variable
“varname” is, but I don’t understand why “@children = children” is
needed, couldn’t the code just use “children”?

See below.

class Tree
attr_accessor :children, :node_name

attr_accessor is a method, not a class; and :children and :node_name
are parameters passed to it; not instances of it. Since they start
with colons, they are symbols – which are like strings in many ways.
Usually they are used in Ruby to refer to something in a literal way;
here we’re not trying to get the value of variables or methods called
children and node_name – we’re trying to use the literal names.

attr_accessor, then, takes one or more names (which can be symbols or
strings) and generates methods from them on the fly. These methods are
accessors – they allow outside code to access instance variables.

The names are only consequential in that you have to refer to them by
the names you give them.

def initialize (name, children=[])
@children = children
@node_name = name

Here, name and children (without the @) are parameters to the method
initialize; when they come into the method they become local
variables. So nothing outside of the initialize method can see them.

When we assign them to @-prefixed variables, those are instance
variables, which can be accessed anywhere in the class (and, since we
defined accessors for them, outside of the class too).

Note that the name of the instance variable doesn’t have to be exactly
the name of the parameter but with @ prefixed – here the instance
variable @node_name corresponds to the parameter name, instead of

def visit_all(&block)
visit &block
children.each {|c| c.visit_all &block}

children here should be @children; just plain children is a local
variable, which isn’t defined in visit_all.

@children supports the each method because it’s an array – or at
least it’s expected to be. Since Ruby is dynamically typed, you could
make @children any sort of object. Mainly collection-like types (e.g.
arrays, hashes, etc.; or user-defined collection types) support the
each method.

On Oct 29, 2011, at 3:00 AM, Eric C. wrote:

the names of these two objects are inconsequential? What are we doing

attr_accessor, then, takes one or more names (which can be symbols or

the name of the parameter but with @ prefixed – here the instance
variable, which isn’t defined in visit_all.
No, in this case the plain children is the method created by the
attr_accessor and that line is effectively the same as:

self.children.each {|c| c.visit_all &block}

It is precisely because it is not yet seen as a local variable that it
is treated as a method to be called and why a misspelt name often
gives an error like:

NameError: undefined local variable or method `chldren’ for #<Tree:

-Rob self
puts “Visiting entire tree”
ruby_tree.visit_all {|node| puts node.node_name}

Rob B.
[email protected]
[email protected]