Newbie route issue

I am writing my first RoR app.
I have used the following command to create several pages:
$ rails generate controller home index (I created home, news, gallery,
I created the menus in app/views/layouts/application.html.erb :

If I click on one of the menu button “Gallery”, I get:
Routing Error

No route matches [GET] “/gallery”

The config/routes.rb has:

get “gallery/index”

What am I missing?


Check out the rails routing guide:

Look also into the link_to approaches, as you can get very clean,
versatile code this way


To get my menus to work,
I had to change the routes.rb

get “contact/index”


resources :contact

I must be using the generate command incorrectly?

I used: $ rails generate controller contact index

Should I have used some other generate command?

On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 12:48 PM, David B. [email protected]

resources :contact

I must be using the generate command incorrectly?

I used: $ rails generate controller contact index

Should I have used some other generate command?

As a tip (I’m kind of new in rails), I only generate the models and
that I manually create the controllers/views and also modify the
(that file has good examples about routing )

I started with rails g scaffold, but sometimes it’s not what I need,
why I started to create my models first.

Is there someone using another way?

Javier Q.

On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 13:31, Javier Q. [email protected]

I started with rails g scaffold, but sometimes it’s not what I need, that’s
why I started to create my models first.

I usually go ahead and use scaffolding, but then delete what I don’t
intend to use. It’s a lot easier than making sure I remember to put
all the pieces in. :slight_smile:


LOOKING FOR WORK! What: Ruby (on/off Rails), Python, other modern
Where: Northern Virginia, Washington DC (near Orange Line), and remote
See: (main) * (code) *
Specialization is for insects. (Heinlein) - Have Pun, Will Babble!

On 5 December 2011 17:48, David B. [email protected] wrote:

resources :contact

I must be using the generate command incorrectly?

I used: $ rails generate controller contact index

Should I have used some other generate command?

I think your original route would have worked if you had used the url
contact/index, which is after all what you asked for in the generate
