Newbie question: how do I install this Ruby package?

Hello everyone.

I have a very basic question. I am completely new to Ruby, and I have no
idea how to figure this out.

I’d like to install this open source package on my site server:

How can I do that?

Any help is really appreciated!

Thank you in advance.


$ gît clone

Or click on “download zip” button , right side or the github Web page.

Regis d’Aubarede wrote in post #1174014:

$ gît clone
GitHub - flores/yet-another-nutrient-calculator: Calculates and charts values of DIY fertilizers for planted aquariums.

Or click on “download zip” button , right side or the github Web page.

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I have downloaded the .zip archive, but then? How to use those


Fabrizio Ferrari wrote in post #1174033:

Regis d’Aubarede wrote in post #1174014:

$ gît clone
GitHub - flores/yet-another-nutrient-calculator: Calculates and charts values of DIY fertilizers for planted aquariums.

Or click on “download zip” button , right side or the github Web page.

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I have downloaded the .zip archive, but then? How to use those

semms to be a sinatra application.

gem install sinatra
gen install thin
gem install sinatra-r18n

== Sinatra (v1.4.6) has taken the stage on 6050 for production with
backup from Thin

go to http://localhost:6050

Thank you very much Regis for your reply and information, that’s exactly
what I guessed by searching around… but once I setup Sinatra and a
server/daemon is created on port 6050, how can I call that port from the
standard port 80 of the index.html of my domain name? via .htacces??

Thank you again.


Fabrizio Ferrari wrote in post #1174043:

Thank you very much Regis for your reply and information, that’s exactly
what I guessed by searching around… but once I setup Sinatra and a
server/daemon is created on port 6050, how can I call that port from the
standard port 80 of the index.html of my domain name? via .htacces??

Thank you again.


The application Sinatra is a HTTP server. so no need of apache.
you can change the port with -p option.
(must be root for port 80)
So :

sudo rackup -p 80

Or you can make a redirection in you apache configuration :

#with mod_rewrite
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule “^/nuts/(.+)” “http://mydns:6050/