Newbie question: How do I get CarrierWave to save my files in a has_many / belongs_to setup?

I posted this on StackOverflow, and didn’t get much love. I’m hoping
someone here can help me. Thanks in advance!

I have a form that displays information about a single commercial real
estate property. I am trying to create a feature on it that allows the
to upload files to Amazon S3 that will then be associated with that
property. In a separate question, I asked how this relationship should
work. I have a series of questions about this whole thing, but it seems
that Stack Overflow likes to keep each question limited to a specific

I’ve created a relationship so that Properties has_many Uploadedfiles
Uploadedfiles belongs_to Properties. I added a column to the
table called “uploaded_file” and mounted CarrierWave to that column

I’ve read through the Readme and Wiki for Carrierwave and
Carrierwave_direct. They both talk about adding a single Avatar to a new
User, when that new User is created. In my case, the property is already
created, and I want to be able to upload multiple files (one at a time,
now) to that Property. (later, I will add a feature that lists out links
each of the uploaded files so that the user can download and open them).

Here is what the readme says. What do I need to do in my controllers and
views to make this work for me?


If you are using Rails and you’ve mounted your uploader like this:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
mount_uploader :avatar, AvatarUploader end

things just got a whole lot easier. You can generate a direct upload
like this:

class AvatarController < ApplicationController
def new
@uploader =
@uploader.success_action_redirect = new_user_url
end end
<%= direct_upload_form_for @uploader do |f| %>
<%= f.file_field :avatar %>
<%= f.submit %> <% end %>

Hi Jon,

I have a similar situation. Do you have a solution yet? I already have a
user created and want to only add a profile image. It seems that the
success_action_redirect performs a get but I would like to actually
a post to create a record for that image.


Did you ask on the Carrierwave mailing list/google group?