Newbie question: (free) on-line courses?

Hello, all. There’s a bunch of free on-line training for Javascript,
CSS, etc., etc., but I haven’t found anything of the sort for Ruby. I
assume I’m just looking in the wrong places. But I’ve really enjoyed
the little exposure I’ve already had – Ruby seems to take the best of
Perl and Python, blend them together, and add some magic fairy dust to
boot. I’ve got a project coming up, and I’d love to do it in Ruby, but
I definitely need a bit more of an intro, and a training course (or good
documentation suggestions?) would be ideal.

Thanks kindly!


On 11/29/2012 07:36 AM, Ken D’Ambrosio wrote:


Have you had a look at this?


Am 28.11.2012 21:11, schrieb Michael S.:

If you can get a copy of “Eloquent Ruby”, maybe from a library that
should be your first choice.

It’s a really great book but requires some basic understanding of Ruby.

For complete newbies I like to recommend Chris P.'s tutorial/book:

Learn to Program, by Chris Pine

Codecademy just added Ruby.

Learn Ruby the Hard Way by Zed S.

The Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael H.

Pretty new and those have been the most useful so far.

Sent from my iPhone

Our own Josh C.'s Ruby Kickstart:

Some basic lessons at click link top of page to
lessons index.

And don’t forget about the Ruby Documentation. For example:

You can do a LOT with these three.

Also, I vote for “Eloquent Ruby” for when you feel a bit more secure
the language. It’s simply the best (intermediary with some advanced
book I’ve read so far. If you know a bit about object oriented design,
“Design Pattern with Ruby” from the same author is a good one too.


Carlos A.

Control engineering
Polytechnic School, University of So Paulo, Brazil
Computer engineering
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA

2012/11/29 Alexander McMillan [email protected]

The Book is tells a bizzare, yet funny story while teaching the reader
Ruby. Scroll down to find more Ruby study sources.

If you can get a copy of “Eloquent Ruby”, maybe from a library that
should be your first choice.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 7:36 PM, Ken D’Ambrosio [email protected] wrote:

Hello, all. There’s a bunch of free on-line training for Javascript, CSS,
etc., etc., but I haven’t found anything of the sort for Ruby. I assume
I’m just looking in the wrong places. But I’ve really enjoyed the little
exposure I’ve already had – Ruby seems to take the best of Perl and Python,
blend them together, and add some magic fairy dust to boot. I’ve got a
project coming up, and I’d love to do it in Ruby, but I definitely need a
bit more of an intro, and a training course (or good documentation
suggestions?) would be ideal.

The first edition of the Pickaxe is a bit dated but still a good
source IMHO. You find it and other material here:

Kind regards

robert is great
online course for Software as a Service with Ruby in mind.
There is 2nd part of it on site, but it’s advanced. You will
Ruby by example, and best practices. 2nd part course:

I’ve took 1st part and it’s great, even you get unofficial certificate
professors Armando Fox and Dave Patterson.

2012/11/29 Carlos A. [email protected]

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Eric C. <
[email protected]> wrote:

Our own Josh C.'s Ruby Kickstart:

Aww :slight_smile:

I actually still teach people from this curriculum, though the format is
different since the groups are smaller.
