David B. wrote:
On 10/13/06, Jeff G. [email protected] wrote:
Hi Jeff, this doesn’t sound right at all. Could send a partial listing
of the directory so I can see what files are in it? Do ls -l
so I
Below is a very very very partial listing. My env is Windows XP Pro. THe
verions of gems is listed below as well. Basically I accessed the first
model object and said model.save! to kick off the indexing. Which it
did. BTW: this is SQLServer if it matters. BTW: The searching the index
works. well…
I found out when I asked to highlight() that I never get anything back.
Looking at the soruce code and my fields I find I must have had (or
defaulted) to :store=>no so I have to retrieve the row, iterate myself
over the fields to find out which field matched, and then display the
results. That is not pretty but I have to admit, it’s painless. Still
25,000 records made 28,000+ files. Can you imagine all 8.1 million
records!! Is it because one of the fields being indexed is always unique
(think User ID/Primary key)?
I was going to trying it in Lucene and see what happens. I figure if it
is different, the must be doing something odd in Ferret/AaF. Plus I can
try native ferret to create the index and forego AaF for the initial
index creation (assuming that is a ‘fix’).
Thank you for any time and effort. I am becoming quite a
Ruby/Rails/Ferret fan for prototyping. I can say as I am ready for Rails
on my production envronoment hosting 40k logged in users a night, but
it’s wonderful for concept exploration.
Here is the partial listing (they are representational of all the other
files except for the last two of which they are the only ones). After
the listing is my gems versions
10/11/2006 08:23 PM 1,300 _z.cfs
10/11/2006 08:25 PM 1,314 _z0.cfs
10/11/2006 08:25 PM 1,705 _z1.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 3,039 _z2.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 970 _z3.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 3,015 _z4.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 14,266 _z5.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 770 _z6.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 815 _z7.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,150 _z8.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,564 _z9.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 2,283 _za.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,259 _zb.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,598 _zc.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,655 _zd.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 5,466 _ze.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,242 _zf.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 13,609 _zg.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 2,081 _zh.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,101 _zi.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,053 _zj.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 2,208 _zk.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 920 _zl.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 3,003 _zm.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 2,148 _zn.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,195 _zo.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,707 _zp.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,747 _zq.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 12,889 _zr.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 2,531 _zs.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,359 _zt.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 2,330 _zu.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,793 _zv.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 1,788 _zw.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 3,135 _zx.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 2,603 _zy.cfs
10/11/2006 08:26 PM 2,210 _zz.cfs
10/12/2006 08:39 AM 213 fields
10/12/2006 08:40 AM 29 segments
28381 File(s) 261,021,758 bytes
2 Dir(s) 35,192,127,488 bytes fre
actionmailer (1.2.5), actionpack (1.12.5), actionwebservice (1.1.6)
activerecord (1.14.4), activesupport (1.3.1), ferret (0.10.9),
fxri (0.3.3), fxruby (1.6.2, 1.6.1, 1.6.0, 1.2.6), gem_plugin (0.2.1)
log4r (1.0.5), mongrel (
rails (1.1.6), rake (0.7.1)
sources (0.0.1), win32-clipboard (0.4.1, 0.4.0)
win32-dir (0.3.0)
win32-eventlog (0.4.2, 0.4.1)
win32-file (0.5.2)
win32-file-stat (1.2.2)
win32-process (0.5.1, 0.4.2)
win32-sapi (0.1.3)
win32-service (0.5.0)
win32-sound (0.4.0)
windows-pr (0.5.4, 0.5.1)