Newbie Problems with pluralization


I have a many to many relationship incorporating the following tables:

taxes --> taxes_tax_groups --> tax_groups

I have a model named tax with the following declaration:

has_and_belongs_to_many :tax_groups

and I have a model named tax_group with the following declaration:

has_and_belongs_to_many :taxes

I am attempting to run the following unit test:

require File.dirname(FILE) + ‘/…/test_helper’

class TaxGroupTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
fixtures :taxes, :tax_groups, :taxes_tax_groups

Replace this with your real tests.

def setup
@taxgroup = TaxGroup.find(1)

Replace this with your real tests.

def test_create
assert_equal 1,
assert_equal “Ontario”,
assert_equal “Ontario w/ pst”, @taxgroup.description
assert_equal “GST”, @taxgroup.taxes[1].name

in which i get the following error:

  1. Error:
    ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: #42S02Table
    _group’ doesn’t exist: SELECT * FROM taxes_group WHERE ( =
  2. LIM
    IT 1

    1 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors

Should it not pluralize the last work? Or am i missing something here?



I think, by default, the joint table should be called tax_groups_taxes.
The joint table name is alphabetical and the underscore in tax_groups
before the ‘e’ in taxes.
At least that’s how I got it to work.


Thanks for the help!

This now brings up another issue. Rails is pluralizing tax as taxis.

class TaxGroupTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
fixtures :taxes, :tax_groups, :tax_groups_taxes

Replace this with your real tests.

def setup
@taxgroup = TaxGroup.find(1)

Replace this with your real tests.

def test_create
assert_equal 1,
assert_equal “Ontario”,
assert_equal “Ontario w/ pst”, @taxgroup.description
assert_equal “GST”, @taxgroup.taxes[0].name

I complains on the @taxgroup.taxes[0].name line and says:
const_missing : uninitialized constant Taxis

Some how it is pluralizing taxes to taxis.

As suggested by another post on this mailing list I have placed this in

Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
inflect.plural ‘tax’, ‘taxes’
inflect.singular ‘taxes’, ‘tax’


When i do that i get an sql error because it changes the tax_groups
table name
in the search to taxes_group.

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: #42S02Table
_group’ doesn’t exist: SELECT * FROM taxes_group WHERE ( =

  1. LIM
    IT 1

I’m thinking of turning off the pluralization all together, unless I can
find a
fix to this.

Thanks Again!

if you start an interactive session using “ruby script\console” you’ll
find out that ruby correctly pluralizes “tax” to “taxes” without the
need to explicitly declare that.

yeh as above, pluralisation works fine so you don’t need to modify

passing class_name like this:
has_and_belongs_to_many :taxes, :class_name => ‘Tax’
seems to fix it. don’t have time to look into what’s the cause of the
original problem though.

As suggested by another post on this mailing list I have placed this in

Firstly I didn’t have the problem when I put all the assert tests in
tax_test.rb but when I tried it again in tax_group_test.rb I got the
error as you.

I fixed it by passing :class_name into the habtm declaration in