Hi there,
just getting to know the language by writing console twitter client, I’m
getting this error:
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
from ./twitter_client.rb:7:in initialize' from ./twitter_client.rb:7:in
from ./twitter_client.rb:7
from (irb):1:in `require’
from (irb):1
When trying to load the code below.
class TwitterMethod
Statuses = TwitterMethod.new(“statuses/show”)
attr_reader :credentials
attr_writer :credentials
TwitterHome = “http://www.twitter.com/”
def initialize(methodLocation)
@methodUrlString = methodLocation
def call()
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(@methodUrlString)
response = http.request(request)
return JSON.parse(response)
I can’t work out what is going wrong here, I am guessing that its
something to do with the class not being initialized by the time I call
TwitterMethod.new to set the class constant. I also don’t know if this
is a particularly rubyish way to do this, please let me know if theres a
better way.
On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Alex Gd [email protected] wrote:
from (irb):1
something to do with the class not being initialized by the time I call
TwitterMethod.new to set the class constant. I also don’t know if this
is a particularly rubyish way to do this, please let me know if theres a
better way.
By default, the initializer of a class has no arguments. You are
calling TwitterMethod.new (which ends up calling initialize) with an
argument, instead of 0, before overriding the initialize method.
I don’t know what you mean to do with the Statuses constant, so I’m
not sure if this is the best way to achieve it. But if you just want
to get rid of the error, put the initialize method before the call the
Also, attr_accessor does the same as reader and writer.
2009/10/11 Jesús Gabriel y Galán [email protected]:
By default, the initializer of a class has no arguments.
Really bad explanation !!!
If your class doesn’t inherit from another class, it inherits directly
from Object:
irb(main):011:0> class A
irb(main):012:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):013:0> A.ancestors
=> [A, Object, Kernel]
And Object#initialize takes no arguments. That’s why your class’
initialize method takes no argument before overriding it.
Thanks guys, thats sorted it out. I didn’t realize that the initialize()
override had to occur before instantiating a class. I guess I’m too used
to java
What I was trying to acheive with the ‘Status’ constant was something
similar to a java enum I suppose. The intention was to have a private
constructor with a class Constant for each twitter method.