Newbie eRuby site design question

Hi list
I’m designing a dynamic site using eruby/mod_ruby and so far its coming
together pretty well but I’m stuck on something and could use some help.
I have a config file (out of the web root) that I’m using to set params
and vars. I’d rather not embed a db select into my pages but rather have
it in my config and just call the data from a var but nothing I’ve tried


//in config//
row = dbh.select_one(“select banner,title,message,image from contents;”)
banner = “#{row[0]}”; title = “#{row[1]}”; message = “#{row[2]}”; image
= “#{row[3]}”

//in web page//


How do I define the output from the select so I can use it in my page?
In the above example I get errors that banner, title, message, image are
not defined.

Any help is appreciated.


Peter W. wrote:

//in config//

How do I define the output from the select so I can use it in my page? In the above example I get errors that banner, title, message, image are not defined.

Any help is appreciated.


Try using ERuby.import(“config.rb”) at the top of your page to parse and
run the config file first.


Justin C. wrote:

Peter W. wrote:

//in config//

How do I define the output from the select so I can use it in my page? In the above example I get errors that banner, title, message, image are not defined.

Any help is appreciated.


Try using ERuby.import(“config.rb”) at the top of your page to parse and
run the config file first.


Hi Justin
Thanks for the response. I already use “require” which does the job for
importing and setting most of the vars. It however does not work with
the data from the db.


Solved :slight_smile:

Just for the record, you can probably substitute:

banner = “#{row[0]}”; title = “#{row[1]}”; message = “#{row[2]}”; image
= “#{row[3]}”


banner, title, message, image = row

If it gets snarky about them not being strings (for whatever reason?), {|e| e.to_s}.