Hi list
I’m designing a dynamic site using eruby/mod_ruby and so far its coming
together pretty well but I’m stuck on something and could use some help.
I have a config file (out of the web root) that I’m using to set params
and vars. I’d rather not embed a db select into my pages but rather have
it in my config and just call the data from a var but nothing I’ve tried
//in config//
row = dbh.select_one(“select banner,title,message,image from contents;”)
banner = “#{row[0]}”; title = “#{row[1]}”; message = “#{row[2]}”; image
= “#{row[3]}”
//in web page//
How do I define the output from the select so I can use it in my page?
In the above example I get errors that banner, title, message, image are
not defined.
Any help is appreciated.