Newbie: Does Ruby have event driven network libraries?

I made a turn based game and would like to make a back end engine
running on Linux or Mac. The game is turnbased 2 player (think chess
like) but there can be many games going on at once. Speed would not be
the problem since not much data goes between players.

What I need is the following:

Make a Ruby application that is running in some idle loop, but when a
network data packet comes in to notify some event/delegate function to
process the request and go back to idle (or be doing something else).

I dont want polling of sockets, timers, etc etc. Also does Ruby have
event driven frameworks in general?


Take a look at eventmachine -

There’s also rev:

On Oct 1, 2009, at 1:43 PM, Wyatt Biker wrote:

Ehsanul H. wrote:

Take a look at eventmachine -

Looks nice. I hope it works on Mac so I can use it.

It works fine under OSX.


Ehsanul H. wrote:

Take a look at eventmachine -

Looks nice. I hope it works on Mac so I can use it.
