Newbie - Create menu and send parameters to controller from view


I’m trying to create a menu. I have a controller that takes two
attributes, like this:

def category(gender, category)
@ads = Ad.find_all_by_gender_and_category(gender,
category).paginate(:page => params[:page])
@title = “Startsidan”
render ‘home’

And in my view I have a list with menu options:

  • <%= link_to "Accessoarer", :action => "category('dam', 'Accessoarer')" %>

  • And my routes it look like this:

    match ‘/dam-accessoarer’, :to => “pages#category(‘dam’,

    But it doesn’t work.

    I get the following error.

    Unknown action

    The action ‘category(‘dam’, ‘Accessoarer’)’ could not be found for

    Any help on how to solve it would be greatly appreciated!

    // Anders

    On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 7:41 AM, Anders_P [email protected]


    Is this your controller code? If so you have issues as (someone correct
    if this is a new Rails 3 construct that I am clueless) you should not be
    taking arguments in the signature. If the params gender and category are
    needed they should be accessed as params[:gender] params[:category].

    So in your view you need something like this below. Also see
    link_to (ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper) - APIdock for info
    link_to helper.

    <%= link_to “Accessories”, :controller => “categories”, :action =>
    :gender => “male”, :category => “zzz”

    and then in your controller action

    def show
    gender = params[:gender]
    category = params[:category]

    now do what you want with the data



    Hi! Thanks for your help. But I still doesn’t get it to work. I’ve
    changed the controller action so it looks like:

    def category
    gender = params[:gender]
    category = params[:category]
    @ads = Ad.find_all_by_gender_and_category(gender,
    category).paginate(:page => params[:page])
    @title = “Startsidan”
    render ‘home’

    And in the view:

  • <%= link_to "Accessoarer", :action => 'category', :gender => 'female', :category => 'Accessoarer' %>

    When I press the link the url changes to this:


    I don’t get any errors, but it doesn’t find anything. Any idea on what
    might be wrong?

    // Anders

  • On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Anders_P [email protected]


    I don’t get any errors, but it doesn’t find anything. Any idea on what
    might be wrong?

    So you are rendering the ‘home’ view - can you show me this? Also,
    what you are expecting to see. Have you also verified that you are
    good values on @ads and @title (which I assume you are doing something
    in your view)? I would recommend if you have not used it yet to get
    with ruby-debug. This way you can step in to your controller in action
    check these attributes (of course even better is get used to writing
    for your code, but I know this might be overwhelming at first).

    Let me know - if you need help with ruby-debug let me know — if so do
    me the version of Rails and version of Ruby you are running.


    Here is what I think it the most relevant part of the home view,

    Renders the menu

    <%= render “shared/categories” %>

    Renders ads, unless its empty

    <% if @ads.empty? %> Hittade inga annonser. <% else %> <%= render @ads %> <% end %>
    <%= will_paginate @ads, :previous_label => t(:previous), :next_label => t(:next) %>

    I’m getting “Hittade inga annonser” which means “Couldn’t find any
    ads” when I click on the link, but it shouldn’t be empty. It should
    render all ads that matches a certain condition, for example, :gender
    => ‘female’, category => ’ accessories’. I have checked the database
    and it should get two rows.

    It works when I have methods like this:

    def female_accessories
    @ads = Ad.find_all_by_gender_and_category(‘dam’,
    ‘Accessoarer’).paginate(:page => params[:page])
    @title = “Startsidan”
    render ‘home’

    But this isn’t very DRY, since I would need to have an action for
    every category. I want something slightly more dynamic.

    I hope i’m understandable.

    Tips and links regarding ruby-debug would be really nice!

    // Anders

    Thanks for your tips, I think I will follow your suggestion and create
    a new model ‘Category’, think it will get a lot cleaner.

    // Anders

    On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 12:17 PM, Anders_P [email protected]

    @ads = Ad.find_all_by_gender_and_category('dam', 'Accessoarer').paginate(:page => params[:page]) @title = "Startsidan" render 'home' end

    But this isn’t very DRY, since I would need to have an action for

    every category. I want something slightly more dynamic.

    Right - this is going to be a very ugly controller in no time. But fix
    problem at hand and then you can play with making it dry. Google the
    ‘named scopes’ in google and this may help. If nothing else, move this
    of logic into a model, it should not be in a controller. Controller
    just handles requests and routing of them, business logic should be in
    models or other classes.

    I hope i’m understandable.

    Tips and links regarding ruby-debug would be really nice!

    This is probably a good place to pick up ruby debug.

    Do this:

    1. gem install ruby-debug
      (note if you are using Rails 3 and Ruby 1.9.2 you might need: gem
      ruby-debug19. This is what I am using.)

    2. Now you can put a breakpoint wherever you want by typing ‘debugger’
      you want the execution to stop — so for example:

    def female_accessories
    @ads = Ad.find_all_by_gender_and_category(‘dam’,
    ‘Accessoarer’).paginate(:page => params[:page])
    @title = “Startsidan”
    render ‘home’

    1. Then restart your rails server:

    If Rails 3:
    rails server --debugger

    If < Rails 3:
    script/server --debugger

    1. Now execute your page - load the page. The execution will stop when
      get to the break point. Go to your server console and you should see
      familiar code and line number. From there you can type in whatever ruby
      want to debug (like irb). Type ‘n’ to go to the next line, ‘c’ to

    Using this you should be able to figure out what is going on in your
    Great tool to have, I use it often several times a day.

    Glad to help. Definitely if you have not, at least for your models try
    start writing some tests – I use rspec now but honestly if you are new
    tdd you could use test/unit just fine and get used to the process. The
    way I
    see it is in the past before I wrote tests, I would write code and then
    spend time debugging. I found that writing tests as I go actually
    the debugging process I would go through, and then of course the result
    is a
    test suite you can run whenever you want — and at least you will know
    things you are testing for still work! I promise you will get addicted.