Newb question: Printing a class

Hello, Im new to the forum and new to Ruby, but I have
programmed before. Im reading through this tutorial as my first venture
into Ruby:

I apologize if this is the wrong forum or I break any forum rules in
this post, please let me know if I do!

I am using Eclipse + RDT ( for my

I am currently on this page of the tutorial
( and I
am having a performing the exercise at the bottom of the page.

Here is the code I have so far:

class Address
attr_accessor :street, :city, :state, :zip
def initialize
@street = @city = @state = @zip = “”

def to_s
    @street + "\n" + \
    @city   + "\n" + \
    @state  + ", " + @zip


class Person
attr_accessor :first_name, :email
attr_accessor :last_name, :address
def initialize
@first_name = @last_name = @email = “”
@address =

def full_name
    @first_name + " " + @last_name

def to_s
    @first_name + " " + @last_name + "\n" + \
    @email + "\n"


sandy_addr =
sandy_addr.street = “324 Campus Dr.” = “College Park”
sandy_addr.state = “CO” = “55555”

sandy =
sandy.first_name = “Sandy”
sandy.last_name = “Kohh”
sandy.address = sandy_addr

If I then run: ‘puts sandy.address’ it correctly outputs the address.
This bit of code was given to me in the tutorial. However if I type
‘puts sandy.person’ I get the following error message:
‘test_temp1.rb:43: undefined method `person’ for #Person:0x2f2324c

I am lost because the def to_s inside the Person class looks exactly
like the def to_s in the Address class. What am I missing or doing
wrong? Thanks in advance!


Brian A. wrote:

This bit of code was given to me in the tutorial. However if I type
‘puts sandy.person’ I get the following error message:
‘test_temp1.rb:43: undefined method `person’ for #Person:0x2f2324c

This is because you are asking it to find the return value of method
‘person’, but such a method does not exist. With sandy.address, you
asked for the return value of method ‘address’. This basically was
returning the object ‘address’ for sandy. To get the to_s method in
person, just put -

puts sandy

That should work (not tested).

Hello Brian,

Brian A. wrote:

If I then run: ‘puts sandy.address’ it correctly outputs the address.
This bit of code was given to me in the tutorial. However if I type
‘puts sandy.person’ I get the following error message:
‘test_temp1.rb:43: undefined method `person’ for #Person:0x2f2324c

There is no method called person in your Person class. If you want to
print the string representation of sandy, just do a puts sandy.


Shashank A. & Matthias R. wrote:

puts sandy

Thank you both that did work, but opened a new issue for me.

When I change the def to_s within the Person class to this (adding the

def to_s
@first_name + " " + @last_name + “\n” +
@email + “\n”

I get this “#Person:0x2b3340c”, is this because the Person class makes
reference to the Address class, and its the address class has its own
to_s that prints? Should I move the @street + “\n” + , …etc to the
Person class from the Address class?

If I change the def a little to this:

def to_s
@first_name + " " + @last_name + “\n” +
@email + “\n”
@address + “\n”

I get a different error message:
“test_temp1.rb:25:in to_s': undefined method+’ for
#Address:0x3413f68 (NoMethodError)
from test_temp1.rb:41:in `puts’
from test_temp1.rb:41”


On 8/28/08, Brian A. [email protected] wrote:

Person class from the Address class?

You are right, the Address class does have its own #to_s. The issue
here is that when you type @address, you are not automatically calling
it. You need to do @address.to_s. (The puts method does
automatically call #to_s on its arguments, but it is not recursive).

Also, you probably want a ‘+’ after the @email + “\n”. Methods return
the value of the last line, so without you will only return the
address, not the name and email from the previous lines.


Adam S. wrote:

On 8/28/08, Brian A. [email protected] wrote:

Person class from the Address class?

You are right, the Address class does have its own #to_s. The issue
here is that when you type @address, you are not automatically calling
it. You need to do @address.to_s. (The puts method does
automatically call #to_s on its arguments, but it is not recursive).

Also, you probably want a ‘+’ after the @email + “\n”. Methods return
the value of the last line, so without you will only return the
address, not the name and email from the previous lines.


Thank you, that worked great!