Hi All,
The new version (0.10.0) of IBM_DB is now available. This release
provides support for Trusted context in the driver. More details on
what trusted context is can be found at
This release contains the Activerecord-2.1.0 test suite changes
appropriate for IBM_DB, which said to be available in this release.
Along with this few changes in the mapping of Informix Datatypes to
Ruby Datatypes is been made.
The gem can be downloaded from http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=2361
Newbie to Rails or DB2?
Here is some details for you to get started with DB2 and ibm_db Ruby
Get started with IBM_DB gem by downloading the no-charge version of
DB2 (DB2 Express-C) from
and the new version of the ibm_db gem from
A startup guide (pdf) for you to get hands-on with DB2 and the Rails
adapter for DB2 can be downloaded from
Thanks and regards
Praveen Devarao
IBM Opensource Technologies
India Software Labs
No Charge version of DB2 ---->
Rails Adapter/ Ruby Driver for DB2 ---->