I am looking to retrieve data from TWitter - ideally I want the dta in
Excel or SQL database.
There are some open source API’s out there using Ruby
Specifically the one I am looking to use is – - -
I have installed Introduction
I have no idea what to do next!!! Any ideas?
Rob Brennan wrote in post #977117:
I am looking to retrieve data from TWitter - ideally I want the dta in
Excel or SQL database.
There are some open source API’s out there using Ruby
Specifically the one I am looking to use is – - -
GitHub - squeejee/twitterland: Ruby wrapper for various Twitter-related APIs
I have installed Introduction
I recently played with this one and works great:
This is a simple test:
$ rvm use 1.8.7
$ gem install twitter yajl-ruby
$ irb
require ‘twitter’
require ‘yajl’
puts Twitter.user(“peter_v”).location