New to ruby, Need help

I’m attempting to make a simple program, just combine two images and
output a .jpg file. Here’s what I have:

class PicController < ApplicationController
require ‘RMagick’
def index
im1 =‘1.jpg’) {self.size = “81x81”}.first
im2 =‘2-1.jpg’).first
result = im1.composite(im2, 0, 55, Magick::CenterGravity)

I’m really only familiar with Java, I’ve been researching Ruby for about
a half an hour now and know…well I don’t know much. I particularly
have no idea how to run programs outside of a desktop environment. I
have the ability to install Ruby and Ruby on Rails programs on my
website, but don’t know how to go about doing so or how I would go about
calling the program.

So my question is, how does my code look? I eventually want to pass
parameters to the program and construct an image accordingly. How
should I go about installing this and calling it?

Sorry for being so vague, I tried my best.

Ended up using php. I’ll tackle ruby another day.


Ruby, as a language, is very elegant and easy to use… even easier,
IMO, than Java and PHP.

But, if you just want to whip up a quick one-file script like thing
and test it from a browser, PHP rocks. But that’s just because
browsers, out of the box (these days) support .php files to be
processed by PHP. Right now, you can’t do that (out of the box) with
Ruby files. Eventually that’ll change. Eventually, you’ll be able to
drop a .rb file into a web directory and have it parsed through Ruby
just like you can drop a .php file and have it parsed by PHP.

Until then, if you wanna play, play with ruby. Not Ruby on Rails, but
just ruby. Command-line and all. If you want to do some quick
scripting from a web app perspective, PHP is probably the right way to
go. If you want to try and build a simple app, though, including
multiple interactions between the browser and server, then Rails is a
very nice framework (although not the only one).

So, it’s really just a matter of waht you are trying to do.

What you have above is exactly the sort of thing Ruby is extremely
easy and powerful to use. It woudl just be a ruby script, called by
the command line. Plopping it into the Rails framework is overkill and
probably confusing as you start out.

Don’t write off Ruby because of Rails.

And don’t write of Rails, just recognize what it is: a framework using


BTW, I’m a hard-core RoR evangelist, but I also still use PHP in my
day-to-day development work. Super-simple example: client wants an
“about us” page that has the copyright at the bottom automatically
show the current year. Perfect example of PHP. It’s effectively a
static HTML page with a single line of PHP at the bottom. Stuff like
that, where the extra “weight” of the full Rails stack isn’t warranted
is where PHP is still useful. Eventually, though, I look forward to
the day when I can just drop .rb files in and get the same effect.
Woo! (For all I know, this is already possible. But not ‘out of the
box’ on standard hosting environments)

On Apr 10, 5:29 pm, Dan S. [email protected]

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Danimal wrote:
| Dan,
| Ruby, as a language, is very elegant and easy to use… even easier,
| IMO, than Java and PHP.
| But, if you just want to whip up a quick one-file script like thing
| and test it from a browser, PHP rocks. But that’s just because
| browsers, out of the box (these days) support .php files to be
| processed by PHP. Right now, you can’t do that (out of the box) with
| Ruby files. Eventually that’ll change. Eventually, you’ll be able to
| drop a .rb file into a web directory and have it parsed through Ruby
| just like you can drop a .php file and have it parsed by PHP.

Err, the only scripting languages support out of the box is JavaScript.

PHP and Ruby are server-side languages (where PHP is still a tad easier
to setup than Ruby, and Ruby on Rails).

Phillip G.

Rule of Open-Source Programming #48:

The number of items on a project’s to-do list always grows or remains
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