I’m working on learning ruby and trying to figure out how I would take
an existing example and rewrite it in a way that suits my own usage.
What I’m looking for here isn’t for someone to just give me a block of
fixed code and be like, “Oh, here you go!” since I won’t actually learn
anything from that.
So, here’s the script:
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘crontab-parser’
start_time = Time.parse(ARGV[0])
end_time = Time.parse(ARGV[1])
cron_data = File.readlines(ARGV[2]).select {|line| line =~ /^[0-9*]/}
cron = CrontabParser.new(cron_data.join("\n"))
(start_time…end_time).each do |timestamp|
next unless timestamp.sec.to_i == 0
cron.each do |cron_entry|
if cron_entry.should_run?(timestamp)
puts “#{timestamp}\t#{cron_entry.cmd}”
Again, not my code. What I want to do is like so:
Run this script without requiring any CLI arguments. I know the time
interval I want to search for (between 1 and 14 minutes) but I don’t
want to have to type out the range of times when I execute the script.
I’ve seen the chronic gem and believe this is the answer I’m looking
for, but not certain of how I’d integrate that in here. -
Scan all of the files in a directory with the exception of two (of
which I’d need to set an .excludes). Something like this (my code):
Dir["/var/spool/cron/*"].each do |file|
username = file.split("/").last
crontab = CrontabParser.new(File.read(file))
crontab.each do |cron|
puts “User: #{username}”
# Do whatever
This way I can get the output of:
And so on.
Can anyone offer some sort of assistance in helping me get this to where
I want it? I’m happy with any kind of relevant documentation for this
task (there’s so much unrelated documentation that I end up
lost/confused), examples that are similar in what I’m trying to do, or
answers that will point me in the right direction.
I know this may seem a bit unorthodox, but it’s how I learn - I can’t
just read a book on ruby and understand how to do everything (I’ve read
Chis Pine’s book and it has helped a little, but not enough for me to be
able to do something like this on my own).
Thanks in advance!