Muhammad S. wrote in post #1080505:
I am new with RoR. I have this HTML element
Movie Title
First off, don’t statically define this link in HTML. Instead use the
Rails link_to helper:
<%= link_to @movies ->
What i am planning to acheive with this is that when the user clicks the
movie title the list sorts itself. My problem here is with the routes. I
already have the Rails provided “resourceful routes” but i have no idea
what should i do for the above case. I am doing this for a homework and
in the hint section of the homework it says
“You may find it helpful to know that if you pass Rails provided
“resourceful routes” a hash of additional parameters, those parameters
will be parsed by Rails and become available in the params[] hash.”
I have no idea how to code this in routes.rb and how it would be
interepted at controllers.rb
What you’re trying to describing here is not a routing issue. The route
doesn’t change since you’ll be calling the same “index” action. The
responsibility of routes.rb is for mapping URLs to controllers and
action methods defined by those controllers.
For example:
If your MoviesController looks something like:
class MeetingsController < ApplicationController
def index
@movies = Movies.all
Then you might do something like:
class MoviesController < ApplicationController
def index
@movies = Movies.order(‘title ASC’)
And if you want to make the ordering column dynamic you might do:
class MoviesController < ApplicationController
def index
@movies = Movies.order(“#{params[column]} ASC”)
Of course you may want to validate the column name passed into the
params hash. And, I’m not saying this is the best way to accomplish your
need. This is all off the top of my head.
Now take a closer look at the link_to helper and figure out how to pass
the desired sorting column in the request.