New to Rails

Can someone help me get started, i’ve been messing around with it
lately, and i also learn some Ruby to understand RoR somemore. I’ve
been trying to get it too work for awhile, but my problem is that i
can NEVER get mySQL to install in anyway, shape, or form. It’s really
aggravating, so if anyone has anytips, that would be helpful!


Zack K. wrote:

Can someone help me get started, i’ve been messing around with it
lately, and i also learn some Ruby to understand RoR somemore. I’ve
been trying to get it too work for awhile, but my problem is that i
can NEVER get mySQL to install in anyway, shape, or form. It’s really
aggravating, so if anyone has anytips, that would be helpful!


What are you trying to install? Instant Rails? Is there any kind of
error that is being thrown?

Windows, Mac, Linux, OpenSolaris?

10.5 changed some things. I’ve used this a couple of times already to
do from source (which is the most flexible and best for understanding
and learning):


Zack K. wrote:

Can someone help me get started, i’ve been messing around with it
lately, and i also learn some Ruby to understand RoR somemore. I’ve
been trying to get it too work for awhile, but my problem is that i
can NEVER get mySQL to install in anyway, shape, or form. It’s really
aggravating, so if anyone has anytips, that would be helpful!


One thing that seemed to trip me up a the beginning was setting up my
paths correctly.

It may benefit you, first, to read this page:

What output do you see when you type this into terminal:
~$ echo $PATH

(please just type “echo $PATH”, the "~$ " denotes that we’re in


On 2 Oct 2008, at 17:27, blasterpal wrote:

10.5 changed some things. I’ve used this a couple of times already to
do from source (which is the most flexible and best for understanding
and learning):

Dan Benjamin

As far as mysql goes, I’ve never done anything fancier than
downloading the prebuilt packages from mysql


Rails 2.1 uses SQLite by default. you may want to go with that. Its
pretty slick.


The prefpane is broken in 10.5 last I check. For now just search for
“mysql_safe” and google how to start from command line. The real issue
here is OSX is not like Linux AT ALL in how it starts daemons. And
some of the reading you might find on Linux simply won’t apply.

My real recommendation to people getting into Rails is you HAVE to
have some sysadmin comfort. Rails is NOT a a RAD in the sense of the
1990’s (i’m showing my age :)). Don;t take this as a condemnation. I
am glad you are getting into Rails Zack. The primary issue with using
packages is that when they don’t work or something about your system
is broken, you have no recourse.

I would recommend the following before you continue ANY further:

*download XCode 3 from Apple. and install
*run apple updates.
*ONLY use packages that say they work for 10.5. DO NOT assume 10.4
packages will work(they might). Apple has made some changes to 10.5
that I can’t recall. But you are going to say yourself trouble if you
at least consider my warning.

If you are not ready to take the jump into downloading source. Then
investigate using Fink or DarwinPorts. I have found these invaluable
when I needed something running quickly (they do some of the compiling
work for you).

Good luck.

I just downloaded the new version of rails which has SQLite with it,
any tips on getting things set up?

Have fun, read lots, and ask questions. SQLite3 is a wonderful way to
get started with things.