New to Rails. Looking for some help

I have been working with Ruby on Rails for about a week.

I am trying to figure out a problem.

I have a small relational database.

resources :client do
resources :department do
resources :task

What I want is to be able to add tasks while looking a specific “show”
of a department.



<%= render @department %>


<%= render @department.tasks %>

Add a Task:


now I am likely to want to move this off as a partial under the /tasks
but at a basic level how do I create this form?

In order to do this I know I have to define the create method in my
tasks controller and then create a <%= form_for … %> I am just
struggling with this.

Please help!


Hi John,

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 1:52 PM, John B. [email protected] wrote:


Add a Task:


Success in Rails comes most quickly to those with strong Google Fu.

rails 3 form_for nested resources

yields good results.

You might want to start with this one:

Best regards,

Bill -

Thanks so much for your response. I spent a good portion of yesterday on
google trying to solve this. I was dancing around the solution. I
appreciate your help.

Hi John,

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 7:37 AM, John B. [email protected] wrote:

Bill -

Thanks so much for your response. I spent a good portion of yesterday on
google trying to solve this. I was dancing around the solution. I
appreciate your help.

You’re welcome. And welcome to the Rails community!

Best regards,