Hi everyone, I just finished making this forum site at
http://talk.rubynow.com .
I was wondering if anyone could make any suggestions for the site and
maybe try the site out.
I had started the site a few months ago, but got caught up in a lot of
other work, so I just finished it up in the past few days and published
I realize there are a few ruby forums already, but I thought this would
be a nice addition.
Also I am at the Canada on Rails conference, so I will be posting
information about the conference at http://talk.rubynow.com
Jason Toy wrote:
Hi everyone, I just finished making this forum site at
http://talk.rubynow.com .
I was wondering if anyone could make any suggestions for the site and
maybe try the site out.
I had started the site a few months ago, but got caught up in a lot of
other work, so I just finished it up in the past few days and published
I realize there are a few ruby forums already, but I thought this would
be a nice addition.