Hi All
Just thought I’d let people know, I’ve got my new radiant powered site
up and running at http://morethanseven.net/
I’ve had great fun so far using Radiant and plan on posting lots of
information over the coming weeks and months about how I went about
one thing or another. I used the google sitemap tutorial from the wiki
but have also implemented an opml file powered by Radiant and plan on
giving the comment behaviour a go too.
I ported all my content across from Textpattern (thanks for the help)
using som PHP scripts (see
http://morethanseven.net/projects/txp2radiant if you’re interested).
I’m justing getting started ith Ruby and wanted to get it done
quickly, I’ll hopefully try and rework and even package up for Radiant
if I get the opportunity.
Shameless blug over with!
Gareth Rushgrove