New line char in a text area field on DISPLAY

I have a text_area to accept upto 1000 chars, which is stored as a blob
in mysql. When I try to display the saved data, I dont see the new line
characters - however I could see the newline characters in EDIT MODE. So
my newline char is lost during displaying. Any ideas how to fix it.

newlines are not rendered in html except within certain tags. they
have to be converted to breaks or paragraph tags.


<%= simple_format(your_text) -%>


Chris H. wrote:

newlines are not rendered in html except within certain tags. they
have to be converted to breaks or paragraph tags.


<%= simple_format(your_text) -%>


Thanks for the info. It also helped me out. :slight_smile:
BTW, I’m also wondering if there is any function or plugin that
recognizes URL link within the text?

On Sep 29, 2006, at 3:23 PM, Jay L. wrote:

Thanks for the info. It also helped me out. :slight_smile:
BTW, I’m also wondering if there is any function or plugin that
recognizes URL link within the text?

Yep, it is called auto_link.

– fxn