Hi all,
I figured it would be good to periodically send an update about new
projects on CGRAN so that the community is aware of them, and
newcomers to the community can become aware that CGRAN
(https://www.cgran.org) is available to support new projects. It also
appears that CGRAN is completely stable after the system updates.
From the homepage: “is a free open source repository for 3rd party GNU
Radio applications that are not officially supported by the GNU Radio
project. CGRAN provides a subversion repository for users to develop
or submit new applications, and wiki access for full project
documentation. Trac (our web interface) provides unique features such
as a browser for the subversion repository and a ticket system for
users to file issues with projects in CGRAN.”
Recent Projects:
- Spectral Estimation Toolbox - Adds routines for spectral
estimation to GNU Radio (Martin B.) - Compressed Sensing Toolbox - Adds compressive sensing features to
GNU Radio (Martin B.) - mediatools - Adds a collection of audio and video processing
blocks to GNU Radio (Tim O’Shea) - AIS - Automatic Identification System receiver for VHF shipborne
position reporting (Nick F.)
You can find a complete list of projects at