I’ve got some problems right now using the new model for relationships
in fixtures (by label, not by id) and STI. What I’ve got, is a couple
of models:
–> FileDownload
Version has_one file_download with file_download_id on the versions
In my fixtures, I have two FileDownloads in my attachments.yml like
size: 100
filename: hemingway_alpha.zip
content_type: application/zip
type: FileDownload
project: hemingway
now, in my versions.yml, I have:
name: Alpha 1
revision: 2
description: this is the first alpha release for hemingway!
project: hemingway
file_download: hemingway_alpha_zip
created_at: <%= (Time.now - 5.days).to_formatted_s(:db) %>
The problem I’m having is that it’s trying to put file_download into a
column in versions when I run rake test:units
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column
‘file_download’ in ‘field list’: INSERT INTO versions
, name
, project_id
, updated_at
, id
, description
, created_at
(‘hemingway_alpha_zip’, ‘Alpha 1’, 2980859, ‘2007-11-14 11:23:26’,
296151536, 2, ‘this is the first alpha release for hemingway!’,
‘2007-11-09 11:23:26’)
Now, I’ve got two questions:
a) How can I make it think that file_download is a relationship and
not a field?
b) How can I get that label-hash id manually? (i.e. alpha -->
296151536) in case I just need to hack it in manually?