New column in ActiveRecord object, method_missing() called intermittently


I’m using the geokit plugin to provide a “find-locations-on-radius”
feature in my app. When a location is added to the database, the
actual address is translated (geocoded) into a longitude & latitude.
The longitude and the latitude are stored in the database. When a user
performs a “find-locations-on-a-X-miles-radius” from a point of origin
(an address), a distance is calculated from the given point of origin
to all the stored locations. Geokit overrides the ActiveRecord find
method to include a distance column:

[:all, {:select=>“, SQRT(POW(XXX(XXX-,2)+\n POW(XXX*(XXX-locations.lng),2))
\n AS distance”, :order=>“distance asc”}]

Then from any view you can access the distance on the objects
retrieved by find:

Location.find(:all,:origin =>[,
@ip_location.lng]).each { |location|

The problem that I have is that location.distance returns empty/nil
once in a while. From what I understand, when location.distance is
called, it invokes method_missing() in activerecord/lib/active_record/
attribute_methods.rb. That is because there is no distance column in
the locations table, so it goes to the object’s attributes to find the
distance. Well, it just so happens that once in a while method_missing
() is not invoked when accessing location.distance. I put tracing in
method_missing() and when I get distance values method_missing was
indeed called, and when I get blank/nil - method_missing was not

I thought it was because of caching, but I turned off caching in
production, and I don’t have any explicit caching logic in my views or
in my controllers.

I asked this question on the geokit group but nobody answered it:
. You can see all debugging and tracing here.

Why doesn’t method_missing get invoked all the time when
location.distance is called? What gets invoked then? Could this be
some sort of caching bug?


On Nov 6, 7:34 am, jenna_s [email protected] wrote:

Why doesn’t method_missing get invoked all the time when
location.distance is called? What gets invoked then? Could this be
some sort of caching bug?

So the times that it returns nil, what does get called ? have you
tried stepping through it with the debugger ?


It returns nil when you use joins or includes on your finds. Try
records.sort_by_distance_from origin. That will add the distance
column back

2009/11/6, jenna_s [email protected]:

method to include a distance column:
indeed called, and when I get blank/nil - method_missing was not
Why doesn’t method_missing get invoked all the time when
location.distance is called? What gets invoked then? Could this be
some sort of caching bug?


Von meinen Mobilgerät aus gesendet

I’ll try that. It’s just that it is hard to make it repeatable for

On Nov 6, 12:25 am, Frederick C. [email protected]

I did read that in the geokit README, but I have no include in my

On Nov 6, 2:34 am, jenna_s [email protected] wrote:

Why doesn’t method_missing get invoked all the time when
location.distance is called? What gets invoked then? Could this be
some sort of caching bug?

The other issue I’ve seen with things like this was that some find
options (:include, notably) will drop the :select clause, meaning that
you won’t get an attribute back for distance. Any chance that could be

–Matt J.

I’ll try it. Thanks.

jenna_s wrote:

I’ll try it. Thanks.

Please quote when you reply – otherwise it’s impossible to know what
you’re replying to.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]