New App - Rails Timesheets

Hi All:

We just launched our new Rails app:

Comments/feedback would be most welcome.

: )


Jason T. wrote:

Hi All:

We just launched our new Rails app:

Slick design! Can I borrow your designer? :wink:


Long wrote:


Thanks Long! – Glad you like!!

: )


On 10/20/06, Jason T. [email protected] wrote:


The signup button is at an odd location. It is natural for the users to
expect it below the form. Demo would be nice to have. Also if you are a
small company don’t hide behind your home page. You can have a blurb on
people behind the website. Photos will also help to connect with the
The design is really good.

Jason T. wrote:

Hi All:

We just launched our new Rails app:

Comments/feedback would be most welcome.

: )


Just an FYI, I got a few 503 errors while trying to visit the site.
Ahhh… rails deployment…

Looks great!

David C. wrote:


Just an FYI, I got a few 503 errors while trying to visit the site.
Ahhh… rails deployment…

Looks great!

Posted via

Thanks for the heads up on the 503’s David! – I’m glad you like the

Awesome app…

a lot of the select menus are too small in width and cutting off the
numbers/words (im on mac/firefox)

maybe add:
billed hours vs. actual hours for each timesheet being invoiced - this
is almost always different

Daniel Salo wrote:

Posted via

Thanks Daniel. – I’ll check on the menu widths.

: )



Nice site. A suggestion: for a pay site built around recording time, I’d
expect the time entry part to be very quick and flexible. Drop downs for
hours, minutes, dates etc. are tedious. If I wanted to record time, I’d
to click a date, then enter something like the following in a field

4p-7p client1
7p-11p client2

or maybe even

2hrs client1
4hrs client2

Another suggestion: I started entering time and realised that I hadn’t
created a client yet. Having seen some ajax earlier in the app, I
‘add client’ assuming an ajax form that would allow me to enter a new
without losing the time I had already entered. It didn’t. Had to enter
time again.


Hey Jason,

Looks great, there’s a good eye for design here.

I’m no ajax expert, but from a usability standpoint, back button
functionality is pretty critical. Might want to consider the next
version supporting that.

And ya, I second the comments about submit buttons being below the


Hi Jason
The site looks good!

I had the same problem as Hammed M… After adding a customer I had
to reenter the timeâ?¦ minor problem, but it takes away the â??funâ?
you advertise on your front page.

Also, when adding a timesheet item for the current day Iâ??d like the
drop down boxes to default to a somewhat reasonable value. When adding
a timesheet for today, the 21st, the date fields default to the 15th(!)
and how come the start or end time arenâ??t set to something reasonable
either? The way it is now I have to type in all the information
manually and that takes to much time. Or rather, it is a job I donâ??t
want to have to do. Iâ??d be happy if the date defaulted to the date I
clicked in the calendar and if the start and end times were set to the
current time when adding a timesheet for the current day. That way I
would normally only have to set either the start or the end time in
addition to selecting a customer. Also, it would most definitively be
nice with a feature like the one suggested by Hammed M. where one
could add timesheets as easily as writing 4p-7p client1 â?¨or 7p-11p

It would also be nice if you added the possibility of using other
currencies than $. I canâ??t bill my Norwegian customers in dollars.

Also. If a customer has an e-mail address associated with her account.
Wouldnâ??t it be reasonable to be able to e-mail the invoice directly
to that address without having to type in the address manually?
Alternatively one could add a second invoice e-mail address to a
customerâ??s details that the invoices could be sent to. Or, a third
solution: when sending an invoice the user of the system could be
presented with a dropdown box of all e-mail addresses added to the
customer receiving the invoice and an additional textfield where she
could type in an alternative addressâ?¦

Best of luck with your app!


Sebastian Probst E. wrote:

and how come the start or end time arenâ??t set to something reasonable

customer receiving the invoice and an additional textfield where she
could type in an alternative addressâ?¦

Best of luck with your app!


Thanks Sebastian. – I really appreciate you taking the time to write
such detailed comments! Your feedback is really helpful.

: )


Hammed M. wrote:

or maybe even
Thanks Hammed. – Great feedback!

: )


Chad wrote:


Thanks Chad. – Glad you like the design.

Also, yours is the 2nd vote for moving the submit buttons. –

: )


Bala P. wrote:

: )


The signup button is at an odd location. It is natural for the users to
expect it below the form. Demo would be nice to have. Also if you are a
small company don’t hide behind your home page. You can have a blurb on the
people behind the website. Photos will also help to connect with the users.
The design is really good.

Thanks very much for your feedback Bala. – I’m glad you like the
design. I’ll take another look at the signup page and the position of
the signup button.

Again, thanks for your comments & feedback.

: )


Terrific - another pretty printing invoice program.

How do you capture the data into an accounts system and analyse it?

On 20-Oct-06, at 4:56 PM, Neil W. wrote:

Terrific - another pretty printing invoice program.

Hey Neil - try to be constructive - that’s just bad energy


I love it… question doh…

why do i need a shipping fee for services rendered?

On 10/20/06, Jodi S. [email protected] wrote:


Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark;
professionals built the Titanic!


On 10/20/06, Jason T. [email protected] wrote:

Thanks very much for the feed back. – To clarify, the shipping fee is

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark;
professionals built the Titanic!

Leon L. wrote:

I love it… question doh…

why do i need a shipping fee for services rendered?

Hi Leon,

Thanks very much for the feed back. – To clarify, the shipping fee is
there because you can add non-timebased items to your

For example, if you’re a graphic designer and you FedEx’d some comps to
a client, you might want to charge them for the shipping.

: )
