Netbeans6 + RoR errors

I’m having problems with running RoR applications, either imported
from existing source or by creating a new project in NetBeans 6 beta

  1. When I use the menu “run / test project” or “run / run main
    project” I get an error very similar to this:

(from test)

(in C:/flame-svn/test/RailsApplication1)
rake aborted!
No such file or directory - C:/flame-svn/test/RailsApplication1/C:
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
Click here to re-run task with tracing enabled

(from starting webrick)
C:/Program Files/NetBeans 6.0 Beta
1/ruby1/jruby-1.0.1/lib/ruby/1.8/pathname.rb:420:in realpath_rec': No such file or directory - C:/flame-svn/test/RailsApplication1/C: (Errno::ENOENT) from C:/Program Files/NetBeans 6.0 Beta 1/ruby1/jruby-1.0.1/lib/ruby/1.8/pathname.rb:453:inrealpath’
from C:/Program Files/NetBeans 6.0 Beta
set_root_path!' from C:/Program Files/NetBeans 6.0 Beta 1/ruby1/jruby-1.0.1/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.2.5/lib/initializer.rb:509:ininitialize’
from ./script/…/config/boot.rb:38:in new' from ./script/../config/boot.rb:38:inrun’
from ./script/…/config/boot.rb:38

Any idea what’s going on here?

    from C:/Program Files/NetBeans 6.0 Beta

1/ruby1/jruby-1.0.1/lib/ruby/1.8/pathname.rb:453:in `realpath’
from C:/Program Files/NetBeans 6.0 Beta

Maybe because you are using JRuby?

I’m using whatever netbeans6 uses by default. If there are changes I
should be making here, please give me a hint. :slight_smile:


On 10/16/07, Igor K. [email protected] wrote:

but before installing rails change ruby interpreter in options menu to
that one you have installed from

Ah ha! This is the step I believe I was missing. Thanks!

I had ruby, rails, and about 25 gems installed a long time ago. I
suppose I could have used netbeans just to edit the files, but where’s
the fun in that?


Michael G. wrote:

On 10/16/07, Igor K. [email protected] wrote:

but before installing rails change ruby interpreter in options menu to
that one you have installed from

Ah ha! This is the step I believe I was missing. Thanks!

I had ruby, rails, and about 25 gems installed a long time ago. I
suppose I could have used netbeans just to edit the files, but where’s
the fun in that?


NetBeans 6.0 Beta installs JRuby 1.0.1 by default. The issue you have is
that real path returned from Windows contains letter drive, which
creates a problem on line 420 of realpath_rec method of pathname.rb in
that particular Jruby directory C:/Program Files/NetBeans 6.0 Beta
1/ruby1/jruby-1.0.1/lib/ruby/1.8. I found a patch for this and
incorporate it in the attached pathname.rb file. If you replace it in
that particular directory, it should fix your problem in JRuby 1.0.1 and
you are good to run your Rails app in NetBeans 6 Beta. You can diff the
attached file to see what the patch is. I am running Rails 1.2.5 and
NetBeans 6 Beta (JRuby) on Windows XP Professional. This patch is for
JRuby only.

Good luck.

– Dan


first of all if you want to study Ruby(RoR), not JRuby you should
install Ruby(native) from Next you must install Rails
framework(you can do it in different ways, for example using Netbeans -
when you create new project showing you current Rails version which you
can update or if you don’t have you can install. Also maybe you need to
configure proxy in netbeans.

but before installing rails change ruby interpreter in options menu to
that one you have installed from

Also i recommend you small distribution of netbeans only for ruby,ror
development - . every hour
it building a new version.

so i need to do:

  2., one click installer for windows
  3. change ruby interpreter in options menu of netbeans
  4. create new RoR project, but also update/install RoR framework, you
    will see the button

On Oct 19, 10:54 pm, Dan Ha [email protected] wrote:

NetBeans6.0 Beta installs JRuby 1.0.1 by default. The issue you have is
that real path returned from Windows contains letter drive, which
creates a problem on line 420 of realpath_rec method of pathname.rb in

Right - we’re hoping that a JRuby 1.0.2 will be released shortly with
a fix for this, and we’ll incorporate it.

– Tor
(NetBeans+Ruby team)