My experience with netbeans was not a good one, at the time that I
used it
it didn’t integrate with cvs very well. My group members had issues
using it.
I used netbeans with java. My only complaint was that it added alot
of extra
code by quantifying where the object came from instead of requiring
the library.
I have heard it has gotten much better, but personally I use eclipse
with rad rails.
Its useful as my project uses BIRT and it integrates well with
eclipse, and its nice to just
switch between views.
Been using it for ROR development for a couple of months now, works very
I am an Eclipse fan for straight Java stuff, but found the aptana stuff
RoR lacking and less than intuitive. The netbeans functionality is rock
solid for me.
I just looked at Netbeans 6.0 rc as an IDE for ROR. It is actually
pretty awesome. works on ubuntu. the auto-complete is really nice.
i was on aptana till it starting saying all my files were corrupt.
then i went jedit on windows, which is nice.
anybody have anything you just hate about it? i hate to learn it and
get bitten… later… by it.
If you like it now, consider how quickly it was improved. The milestones
came thick and fast, before giving way to the better betas and the
release candidate. Even the nightlies had a reputation for quality.
If there is something you hate about it, chances are it won’t stay
way for long.
As usual, its a big java IDE. Which usually means memory hungry.
However the Ruby only version is pretty tidy.
Been using it for ROR development for a couple of months now, works very
I am an Eclipse fan for straight Java stuff, but found the aptana stuff
RoR lacking and less than intuitive. The netbeans functionality is rock
solid for me.
I’ve been using Netbeans 6.0 Beta 1 for Ruby on Rails on a Windows
platform for a couple of months now (since it became available) and
it’s awesome. It would be my IDE of choice for RoR.